Sorry! I'm Behind.

Jan 20, 2012 20:37

Respond in some fashion to this image of fireflies.


I can’t believe for once I’m telling you to calm down. Those are fireflies.

SHUT UP!!! They look like radioactive orbs! Is one of them going to come up, bite me, and turn me into Firefly Girl? Like how Spiderman got bitten and turned into what he is?

I already fucked up dying once! Keep those things away from me!

*sighs* When I’m the saner one of the conversation, there’s trouble afoot.

Tonight, one hundred words on: falsehoods we maintain for the benefit of someone close to us.

Maintaining a falsehood when you share your head with someone else was a hard thing to do. Not that lying to Sy had ever been an easy thing to do. He was basically a human living vampiric lie detector. It took her a long time to realize that he could always see people’s auras (he actually couldn’t turn it off), so even trying to really lie had quickly become a ridiculous attempt at futility.

Not that Haylee had ever been much of a liar to begin with. She had always been a straight forward individual. She didn’t like the majority of people all that much, so why bother lying for their benefit? She didn’t care to save someone’s feelings, as no one had ever bothered to think of hers, either.

Why care?

5 Excuses
1. Do the voices in my head frighten you?
2. I don’t mean to be weird. It’s forced upon me.
3. I’m not insane. Someone lives in my head and WON’T. STOP TALKING.
4. My latest draft is running late because I’m having issues sleeping. Yeah, that’s it.
5. I have nightmares sometimes because of the crazy things I write. SURE.

4 Explanations
1. Someone DOES live inside my head.
2. I do have sleeping issues. I have to sleep during the day because I’M A VAMPIRE.
3. Nightmares are sometimes caused by seeing crazy shit.
4. Turn down the noise! It’s hard to write when you’re screaming in my ear like that.

3 Wishes
1. Silence
2. Sanity
3. Sy out of my head and in his body.

2 Promises (1 Broken, 1 Kept)
1. I don’t break promises.
2. I don’t make promises, either.

1 Secret
1. Like I’d spread my secrets all over the internet like that. Well, suppose being a vampire IS one of them. I’m not supposed to tell. It’s a secret club, don’t you know?


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