
Oct 01, 2011 13:47

Would you rather walk or ride?

Walk, definitely. Don't get me wrong, the coupe's muy sexy (pity I couldn't take the Hydra-mobile), but getting anywhere in New York on wheels? Hoo boy.

Share with us a picture of a place you've spent too much time at lately.

*sigh* I've been thinking a lot. Too much, it seems like - work, play, friends, enemies, it doesn't want to stop.

Tonight: one hundred words about intimidation. Are you intimidated or intimidating?

"If it isn't my mysterious sorcerer. Or should I say Mr. Farley. Remington. Claymore..." Loki purrs his name like a lover, heavy lidded and smiling. "I'm a bit surprised that I've found you here." He grins wider. "You're late."

There's none of the latent animal-fear-hate-rage from before, but it's not gone. "Well, I gotta admit," he smiles back, "I'm a little shocked myself. There I was, catching a little shut-eye, when someone attacks this cozy little outpost, and who should I find but everyone's favorite god of mischief?"

"What a fascinating coincidence..."

Loki's still smiling. Farley isn't.

"Yeah. It is."


Bastard's got him strong-armed, literally, pushing him back towards the wall, and threatening to snap his arms like toothpicks.

"Don't fool yourself, Claymore", he snarls. "I've seen millions like you come and go - arrogant men and women tearing each other apart for crumbs of power. What makes you any better?"

That's it. Farley takes those words and throws them into the fire - Shiwan, Poole, the Bastards, everyone - rears back, and-

Loki staggers, hand clapped against his forehead and eyes sharp with shocked rage. He's mortal - they both know it - so how...?

Farley grins. "That's what."

Give us your list of reasons you can't sleep.

* Caffeine - No Red Bull for me. Ever. I can take coffee and sodas - even the new formulas - pretty well, though. Thank God for that.

* The moon - Even in the face of everything we know, the moon has always been a source of mystery and all things odd. When I came into my magic for real, I started actually feeling it - like being next to a generator running at full blast. I've learned how to block it out, but...

* A good book - First time I read Murder of Roger Ackroyd? Forget it -I was gone. God help me when I discovered Neil Gaiman...

* Work - Work, work, work... If it weren't for that whole "need money" thing I'd go off and, well, not be a hermit, but definitely not work - at least not on things I don't want to.

* Loki - I don't want to feel sorry for him - I keep telling myself that he tried to murder his own brother, for fuck's sake - but every time I think I've put it behind me, I see his face or hear him screaming at Odin. I wish I could talk to him, tell him it's not the end of the world, anything. But I didn't. I can't. God help me. Loki, I'm so sorry...

For today's quote, we consult that source of hilarity and genius, Douglas Adams- "The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."

I have to wonder what he was going for here. On the surface, it's pretty cynical - an impossible reaction caused by an equally impossible action, right?

But the irony is that even science calls for a little faith. The greatest discoveries were the result of going into territories people didn't think were real, didn't think were even possible sometimes. Yet they went in, sometimes with nothing more than their belief that this would work, or that this was possible, and more often than not, it did and it was.

I know, optimism. From me.

Then, again, after all I've seen - gods, magic, possessed knives - impossible? Maybe not so much.


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