11.05.03 Fresh Start

May 03, 2011 07:04

Tell us two times when you had a fresh start.

I got popped to 3rd rank just for not dying and 4th rank - that's corporal in our guard, but not every army uses the same names for theirs so it's easier to use the numbers, eh? - anyway, 4th rank was a field promotion that I got because the guy ahead of me got eaten, which I guess is still just getting rank for not dying.  Anyway, this is relevant because the same battle as I made 4th rank in, our commissar and our lieutenant both bit it, and afterward the company was so low on guys they remaindered us in with what was left of one of the other ones plus a couple of guys from a completely different planet because I guess they didn't know what else to do with them, and that meant we had new platoons and squads and I had a new platoon leader and a new commissar.  The major in charge of the company was still the same guy, but you don't see him every day, so he doesn't count as much, eh?  All the ranked guys who looked at me on a regular basis were new guys who didn't know me, so it was like having a fresh start, I guess. It turned out kind of lame, though, because the new commissar paid way more attention than the one we had before him.  He was okay with us smoking ses as long as we weren't on such as active patrol, but he expected us to smoke him down too, and one time he shot a guy for bogarting.  It was a bummer.

I got popped to 5th for not dying, too, only I didn't die plus I killed a bunch of other guys, I guess, so they decided I was a hero or some shit and had me go home and put on my dress uniform and go on a stage and listen to some old guy give a speech.  I don't remember much of, like, that entire month. It's all kind of a blur, eh?  But they gave me a promotion and a medal and then they decided I should get seconded to the inquisition, as a reward I guess, eh, instead of going back to one of the wars. That was definitely a fresh start. And I mean, it's working out.  It's not like there's not still a ton of people and things trying to kill me, but it's different people and things anyway, and in between getting tried-to-killed there's, like, actual beds with mattresses, and hot showers, and real food that has a flavour and isn't dead people.  Things can always be worse, eh?

Ignace Garren Jau (you can just call me Iggy I mean I don't care)


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