RP Sunday: Open to all, happy Spring~

May 01, 2011 14:56

Signs have been up for a while. The one at the venue has been vandalized fixed:

Cupcakes and tea provided. All else available for purchase.
Donations go to:
 ( Pretty cupcakes and a whole Spring theme under here )

lacroix_styles, dainty_ofcourse, asher_embry, 8butterflyboy8, elwoodsingblues, a_peaceful_aura, rp

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lacroix_styles May 2 2011, 17:11:26 UTC
And there would be Senri, with the other one in tow, on his way across the floor to join them. The usual eagerness to meet a new person only slightly dampened by the fact that said new person was scrutinizing him moments before, none the less Lacroix makes an effort to be friendly.

"Hello Senri," the greeting being his normal brand of cheerful, though he can only offer a nod to Taiki as he didn't know a name to address the man by. Which of course sparked the general idea that Senri also wouldn't have known Ash's name and since he was the one who gestured for them to come over he probably should into people. "This is Ash," simple enough, yes, "And I told you Senri's name before. Though I don't really know your name."
The latter having been directed to Taiki even if he did have a theory as to who the man is given that he had seen him before in the past in the near area of Senri.

Introductions mostly finished, on his side at least, Lacroix made an effort to get comfortable once more; he certainly could have forgiven the staring from earlier so long as Taiki was civil enough not to continue it.


Is there an order? :|a Don't let me mess a round-robin up. a_peaceful_aura May 2 2011, 17:45:33 UTC
Less outright staring and more watching as Taiki settles in. His attention follows the introductions, taking in the entire aura and quickly disassembling it for the most relevant parts. Lacroix's discomfort is a little distracting -worming its way along the base of his skull and prickling at skin under the blue checkered scarf around his neck- but pushed aside for now. If it gets any worse then it will edge its way into the empath's emotions and actions.

How interesting Ash's aura is will dictate just how much time Taiki spends creeping out Lacroix.

"I remember!" Senri chirps when Ash is introduced. "And this is Kayashima." A bobbing head bow from Taiki again. "How is everyone? No one's floating or glowing today so it must not be too bad..."


Nooo, no order :) You can reply whenever! asher_embry May 2 2011, 18:27:05 UTC
Unfortunately, Ash was just a plain human -- not a vampire, not a were-creature, not a mage, no magic powers of any sort. At the moment, he was quite content; he’s had a cupcake, had ample opportunity to be amused at Lacroix’s sheepish stumbling, and he was actually being social now instead of sitting by himself, which was always a good thing. The worst he felt now was a tiny bit guarded; he’d met Senri before, yes, but he’d never talked to Taiki before, had only been in the same room with him once when they were all watching movies together -- Ash would have to refrain from saying anything too odd until he got a better sense of what Taiki’s comfort zones were. All in all, his aura was most certainly not as interesting as Lacroix’s was.

…Floating? Glowing? Senri must have been talking figuratively, of course -- like someone who was so happy that they were exuding positive energy, that type of floating. Ash has never seen any floating people before, nor glowing people; it’s probably a good thing he was not around for the whole Easter egg ordeal. If he hung around the Loft too much more, he was likely to be very, very shocked at some of the people who came in here.

“Hey,” he greeted both newcomers with a smile, but zeroed in on Senri for a moment after that; it was easier to talk to him just because they’d spoken once before. “How’s that new contract going?” Ash remembered Senri telling him about recently signing a contract for getting some of his clothes sold in stores -- or something like that. He hoped his memory wasn’t failing him, and if it was… well, he’d beg apology.


Yeah, we have no plan for these things, like...ever. XD lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 04:21:50 UTC
In the attempt to regain some manner of calm he glanced over and studied the near area until he spotted where Hector was sitting looking bored with the world; it was a security blanket of sorts in knowing he was there.
Nerves somewhat eased, he tried to engage the conversation without looking like a total lost cause.

His hands ended up in his lap and his hair over his eyes somewhat, trying to shake off the feeling that Taiki was still looking at him oddly was one he couldn't shake.
"Hi," he offered, thinking perhaps if Taiki were addressed directly then maybe he would lose that determined curiosity. A very earnest effort at being friendly, he smiled as well.

Besides, Senri was busy talking to Ash and he didn't want to nudge his way into their conversation.


a_peaceful_aura May 3 2011, 07:42:15 UTC
"Hello." Senri repeats, leaning forwards a little to readjust the hem of his shirt -- it was pulling against the chair a bit on the left. He perks up when Ash asks about the contract, pleased at both the subject and the man remembering. "Really well! Next week I'll get another order so I'll know the actual figures, but from what I've seen just on sales notices it's all going well. It's probably about time for the website to go down or the production company to disappear without notice, but..." A shrug and he's smiling. It's a good thing he doesn't believe in jinxes. "And you? --Also, Lacroix, that hair!" A little wail and he'll try to reach over and touch the purple.

This is the one situation where Taiki's manners slip just a little. But there will be less outright staring while at the table, though he will watch the group, returning unconsciously to the most interesting and odd aura. However, Lacroix's discomfort has now fully settled into him and the psychic wonders (not for the first time) if it's such a great idea for Senri and him to visit the Loft.

...Especially Senri since he can't seem to keep to his own world.

But Lacroix is trying so hard so Taiki returns the effort. "Hello," a pleasant reply and his eyes are on Lacroix once more -- it's not Taiki's fault if the interesting aura keeps calling attention to himself. But he's a small, willowy, physically unimpressive man -- Taiki is very curious but also passive and nonjudgmental. "How are you?" A redundant question on his end since he can see the answer, but it's polite and an effort to calm Lacroix down.


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 09:28:16 UTC
While he was busy being pawed at by Senri he took it in stride, even laughing softly at that wail and the horror behind it. "What? You don't like purple? But it's such a great shade of purple!"
Not that he was preening at the time, but he was happy about the color and how it had turned out; even if there had been nothing but mixed opinions on the matter.

"Overworking yourself again Senri," he 'tsked' a few times in playful teasing since Senri had gone after the hair remarks.

"I've seen you before," Lacroix remarked to Taiki, he was so talented at overstating the obvious at times, oh yes. "Oh, I'm..uh...fine, thanks." It did strike him somewhat odd, talking to Taiki, but it wasn't the sort of odd he could exactly pin down.
But he was eager to try to win Taiki over, he disliked the idea of uneasiness between people, himself included, and even with that flat mellow that Taiki exuded it was still wavering.
Lacroix didn't have the supernatural sense to reach far enough into the vibe to understand it, but instinct told him the awkwardness was thick between himself and Taiki.

"It's nice to actually meet you instead of just seeing you in passing though," he clawed at conversation but wasn't entirely certain where to start since he had no direction with Taiki.


a_peaceful_aura May 3 2011, 12:56:06 UTC
ooc: So, um. I just had a root canal (part one!). I might be a little slow(er) depending on how things go once the numb wears off...b-bawwwww

He clucks his tongue and sits again. "Overworking myself." Hmph. "The blue in it makes you look even more pale. I give all this good advice and no one heeds it." It's a hard life. Senri settles back in the seat and crosses his legs at the ankles, though he seems more amused than genuinely putout. He can't save everyone -- just look at Taiki. Much to Senri's horror, the psychic wears some version of the same outfit every day, regardless of season: a long-sleeve cotton shirt, checkered scarf, and denim jeans. Senri will persevere but Taiki can be surprisingly stubborn.

That catches Taiki by surprise. "You have seen me... here?" It's rare for someone to escape his radar, especially with that aura. Perhaps it's a recent change? But Taiki dismisses that immediately -- some of those curious colors run deep, intersecting with emotions and personality.

"But it is very nice to meet you as well." His accent is much lighter than Senri's. Taiki was a better student, went on to university (where Senri's education stalled after he was kicked out in his second year), and is abroad more often than home. "Nakao has mentioned you." It's the name -- Lacroix tends to stand out a bit in the Japanese world.


asher_embry May 3 2011, 13:06:08 UTC
ooc: :( ! I hope you feel better soon!

“It’s not all that bad,” Ash mused, gesturing toward Lacroix’s very purple hair. Sure, Ash wouldn’t have had the balls to dye his own black hair some bright color -- the most extreme he did was bleach the tips of his hair platinum blond now and then -- but the look worked for Lacroix, in his opinion. Then again, maybe he was biased; he would have enjoyed Lacroix’s company even if the younger man’s hair was neon pink or yellow. “I like it.” Hopefully that meant something? He didn’t want Lacroix to think the whole world hated his hair; he’d seen online just how much Hector had seemed to dislike it, yikes.

...though speaking up now would probably make Senri doubt his taste, too. Oh, well.


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 13:25:53 UTC
[Ooouch, seriously, feel better soon! That's rough! :(]

"But I'm naturally pale, no escaping it, might as well indulge it." Humor again, he rested his elbows on the table again and shrugged, smile still in place; yes, Senri's advice, it has gone unheeded. He still had faith in the designer though, it was simply that he had wanted to dye his hair badly and he rather liked the idea of purple at the time. "You'll just have to catch me when I have to bleach it again and help me decide what to do with it then."
And that was fine with Lacroix; he didn't mind in the least Senri's opinion or giving him a chance to offer it. He had, after all, spoken to Senri about clothing in the past so he clearly did respect his judgment.

Taiki earned a nod, that flicker of surprise is so much more comfortable than the flat stare; Lacroix is the sort of person that preferred honest reactions when it came to people, and less so the even but wary walls. "Mentioned me, huh? Am I that interesting Senri?"
That teasing was playful, his mood vastly improved as he relaxed and decided himself still among friends.

The comment from Ash caused a glance to the side towards him and another smile flashed, that one registered a bit brighter and ended up accented by a tilt his head back off to the side, almost thinking; "Well, thank you."
No stumbling, thankfully, but he certainly has had that problem in the past and will no doubt have it again; just not right at that moment.


dainty_ofcourse May 3 2011, 16:38:46 UTC
When Ash sides with Lacroix (whose motivations are SUSPICIOUS!) Senri gives a little harrumph. "Really, you should trust the more unbiased opinion." And he has no problem calling them out like that despite the fact that he really doesn't know anything about their relationship. Or Mr. Black Hair Bleached Tips.

"Oh you know." A dismissive wave of the hand. "Unless it's something secretive, I talk to everyone about everything. Don't get too excited, it was probably just to ask how your name is pronounced. The -oix doesn't make any sense." He spells the three letters out with one finger in the air.

"I believe it was the large age difference." Taiki corrects, deadpan and helpful. Narrowed brown eyes from Senri zero in on Taiki and a little commotion happens under the table. The psychic just stares back, all wide, innocent, questioning black eyes and no expression. Zinga~

However Taiki is also likely getting an eyeful of matching pink auras from the Love Corner over there. How sweet. But he also feels himself warming up to the two...~

Obviously it's time to stand up and escape for a moment. He'll politely ask if anyone needs a drink (Senri will demand a coffee) before heading to the bar.


asher_embry May 3 2011, 17:22:51 UTC
Love? W-whoa now, this was only the second time that he and Lacroix had met in person! ...not counting all the many, many journal comments exchanged and the late-night phone calls when Hector was asleep. Those definitely didn’t count. So yes, this was only their second meeting, so love certainly didn’t enter into the equation. That wasn’t to say Ash didn’t really like Lacroix, though -- he definitely did.

But the mention of ‘age difference’ made Ash heave a little sigh and facepalm for a moment; oh, he hated when age was brought up in conversation because it always made him feel ancient. Senri was only six years old than Lacroix, but Ash was eight years older. Oh god, nearly thirty. He would likely drink himself into unconsciousness on his thirtieth birthday. Thankfully that wasn’t for a couple years still.

"...do we have to talk about age?" he commented to the two men that remained at the table, finally dropping his palm again and giving them a bit of a pitiful look. He definitely hated age conversations, yes.


dainty_ofcourse May 3 2011, 20:28:49 UTC
To be fair, three out of four of the corners are harboring at least some degree of affection. Taiki feels dangerously outnumbered.

Finally someone that understands the age agony. The thirtieth birthday will be a dramatic one for the designer unless he's accomplished all his lofty goals. "No. Don't mind him," Senri grouches, bowing forward a little to lean his elbows against the edge of the table. "In high school he publicly declared that having to develop friendships was annoying. He's only slightly better now." He glances over his shoulder at the psychic, scowling a little. Really the age comment was just mean spirited.

"Soooo~!" Time for a subject change! "I didn't realize you two knew each other.


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 02:54:07 UTC
Wonderfully oblivious to the woes of age, or else he clearly didn't care, Lacroix had been listening and had lifted an eyebrow at the name comment. "My name sounds weird?"
Maybe compared to some of the more common attempts at the idea; but he didn't really think it was as strange as Senri made it out to be. It left him mentally sounding out the part Senri point out, and that had distracted him for a few seconds.

Being the apparent youngest present he wisely decided not to chime in on the age commentary; if they felt old then woe for them, maybe Senri and Ash should try feeling like the clumsy kid of the group because that wasn't much fun either.
But, ultimately he didn't feel all those numbers were of much importance.

"I'm notoriously good at knowing people I shouldn't," the words were coupled with a grin and for the most part very true.


asher_embry May 4 2011, 06:30:53 UTC
Ash was obviously grateful for the subject change, and he gave a little smile at Lacroix’s words. "People you shouldn’t know according to Hector, yeah." Lacroix’s bodyguard was on the other side of the cafe calmly sipping tea at the moment, so at least he wasn’t hovering over them while they were talking. That would have likely been a little uncomfortable for Ash, being constantly spied on. Besides, he thought Hector was overreacting a little. This was a really pastel cupcake party -- what was the worst that could possibly happen here?

"Hector might approve of you, though, right?" he asked, looking up at Senri. "You design menswear, and he has expensive tastes. I bet you can win him over." Senri had it easy in that sense. Ash was going to have to work a lot harder to win Hector’s approval, but he needed to do that, just so that Hector would never be tempted to forbid Lacroix from talking to him.


dainty_ofcourse May 4 2011, 15:43:00 UTC
Even if he gives the room a quick glance, it's unlikely that Taiki will spot Hector. The mage will fade into the background like a piece of furniture. But Taiki will eventually return to the group, a little more at ease since he's coming of his own accord. The usual coffee is passed to Senri, a tea for himself, and a plate of those cupcakes as a type of peace-offering for the center of the table -- though he doesn't take one. Taiki quietly folds into his seat, doing his best to avoid interrupting the conversations.

"It doesn't make sense to me." Senri replies, still on the name subject. "I have to say it really slow and even then..." Even then he butchers it, likely. Sticking extra vowels in the middle and fudging the end -- it's certainly not a word intended for Japanese linguistics. "You need a nickname." A little mischievous smile and he thinks on that. Hmmm~

But Ash receives a nose wrinkle. "Approve? You make it sound like I'm being married off again. I'm not going to run around trying to win anyone over." Just a touch of disgust in his tone as this hits every single one of his headstrong and defiant nerves.


asher_embry May 4 2011, 15:54:19 UTC
Lacroix had told Ash the name he’d had before going off to join Hector’s secret society -- or death cult, or whatever it was -- before changing his name to 'Lacroix.' But he’d promised not to share that with anyone, so he certainly wasn’t going to make mention of it now.

Senri’s disgusted tone of voice prompted Ash to offer an apology; he hadn’t meant to say anything to set Senri off. “No offense meant. I at least wouldn’t piss him off though if you still expect to see this one,” he said calmly, pointing his thumb briefly toward Lacroix. Hector was protective and controlling in Ash’s eyes, and he had no doubt that Hector would regulate Lacroix’s time spent with Senri if he determined that Senri could be a physical or emotional threat to Lacroix.


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