RP Sunday: Open to all, happy Spring~

May 01, 2011 14:56

Signs have been up for a while. The one at the venue has been vandalized fixed:

Cupcakes and tea provided. All else available for purchase.
Donations go to:
 ( Pretty cupcakes and a whole Spring theme under here )

lacroix_styles, dainty_ofcourse, asher_embry, 8butterflyboy8, elwoodsingblues, a_peaceful_aura, rp

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8butterflyboy8 May 1 2011, 23:23:11 UTC
Victor has seen the signs, and, being a total sugar addict, is intrigued by this 'cupcakes are provided' idea. So he goes to investigate at the location specified. He's quite impressed by the spread -- and the cupcakes are beautiful! Almost too good-looking to eat.

Almost. Victor selects a blue cupcake and sets about nomming it. He's distracted halfway through by Senri's comment -- oh, hello there you. "I imagine because people eat them," Victor jokes, smiling. "They are good, though. And so pretty as well."


dainty_ofcourse May 2 2011, 00:33:07 UTC
A delighted gasp and he looks up, Up, UP! Gosh, you are twice my height. "Viiiictor! ♥" A cheerful greeting and he makes sure to enunciate the heart. "Victor!" Give him a minute.

"How are you? What are you doing here? Were you successful? How are you?" He gushes, forgetting himself.


8butterflyboy8 May 2 2011, 01:11:04 UTC
Maybe not that bad, but it is true that Victor's tall at six-foot-three. Victor has to bite back a grin at the way Senri says his name. "It's good to see you too, Senri."

"I'm all right. I've been doing a bit of exploring, and I saw the signs." He takes a bite out of his cupcake. "I'm always interested in tea parties, so I thought I would visit," he continues once he's done. He blushes faintly. "As f-for what I'm sure you're r-referring to, I'm meeting A-Alice later to discuss just that." He is too -- even if she's going to be late on account of needing to use her Vorpal Blade and other weapons to help save some people.


dainty_ofcourse May 2 2011, 11:08:08 UTC
"Really?!" A wide, excited smile when he hears Victor will be meeting Alice today. "Here. Grab another cupcake, let's sit." He's already snagging two teacups and kidnapping that pot of tea. "What did you decide? Wonderland Park or the hat shop?" Details, we want details!


8butterflyboy8 May 2 2011, 12:19:57 UTC
Victor doesn't need any encouragement to take another cupcake. He takes two, in fact, and joins Senri at the table. "Well, we're meeting in front of the hat shop once her shift ends, but then we're t-taking a walk, so it's likely we'll end up in Wonderland Park." He frowns a little. "I just hope Cheshire doesn't offer any unwanted comments." He likes the cat, but Cheshire does enjoy being nosy. And offering advice when it's not needed.


dainty_ofcourse May 2 2011, 15:48:21 UTC
A happy little hum. "That sounds lovely." He pours Victor's tea first, serving the lanky young man before collecting his own. Senri crosses one leg over the other and settles back in his chair with the drink, content. "I hope you have a nice time and good luck~"

"I wonder if we know the same Cheshire." A wry smile at the thought. Mmmmm, so handsome...


8butterflyboy8 May 2 2011, 19:18:09 UTC
Victor smiles hopefully. "Thank you -- I do hope it goes well. I talked this over briefly with Richard, and he agreed with you about how she acts." He blushes. "And, ah, given that everyone makes fun of us for having the occasional 'staring contest. . . .'" He can't help himself -- her eyes just fascinate him.

Victor adds some cream and sugar to his tea, then frowns at Senri. "I don't know. Wouldn't surprise me if he found his way here -- but unless the one you know is an extremely skinny cat with a permanent smile and a fondness for riddles. . . ." (AKA, looks like this.)


dainty_ofcourse May 2 2011, 19:37:42 UTC
A tsk. "You doubted me?" But then there's a little coo at the mention of staring contests -- they really are too cute, from what Senri's heard. "I already know how things will go, but still, make sure you tell me."

Cat? A small smile and he shakes his head. "Not unless he has some magic power that I don't know about it." Actually, he does. But that's not it. "This one is more of the tall, dark, and handsome species..." Who also happens to be an incubus. Whoops?

"But tell me, how is everything else?"


8butterflyboy8 May 2 2011, 21:15:54 UTC
"Oh, no, no -- I just thought it best if I talked to someone who's known her for longer than I have," Victor says hastily. "Richard's been her friend for some years now, so I thought it would be a good idea to g-get further advice from him." He smiles a little at Senri's confidence. "I will."

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if our Cheshire could shapeshift," Victor comments, sipping his tea. "He can already teleport and turn invisible. He likes to surprise people by appearing as just eyes and a grin." Victor's finally gotten used to talking to said disembodied features.

"Going well, I have to say. I'm enjoying my job with Doc and Marty -- Doc's been working on lightning generators for his time machine project," Victor reports. "I've been making plans for a project of my own, actually. I'd kind of like to make a clockwork butterfly."


dainty_ofcourse May 3 2011, 13:32:14 UTC
He seems to accept Victor's reasoning concerning Richard and advice -- really the comment had been more of an automatic reaction than anything.

A finger taps his chin and Senri looks up, thinking about Cheshire. "Maybe! I don't know if he can teleport but I accidentally summoned him once. That was embarrassing..." Mostly because Chess hadn't been wearing pants at the time but still. "I've only seen mine as a human." There is absolutely no reason for the possessive in that statement but... it's there. Incubus!

"A clockwork butterfly?" A little frown because has no idea what that could possibly mean. "How does that work?" He's picturing the wristbands of a watch flapping, giving the timepiece flight.


8butterflyboy8 May 3 2011, 20:42:22 UTC
Victor just gets so nervous (and he knows he does), so he wanted to make damn sure he did this right.

"Coming when he's called? Doesn't sound particularly cat-like to me," Victor jokes. "Though mine will occasionally do as you ask, if you're polite about it. He much prefers doing as he will, of course." This is said with fond exasperation -- Victor does like the Cat, but he really can get on one's nerves.

"That's what I'm trying to find out," he says with an eager grin. "It's all a matter of figuring out how many gears and such you need to power the wings, while still keeping the weight down low enough so it can actually fly. And of course you need to make it look nice as well." Victor follows Doc's philosophy -- if you're going to build something, why not do it with some style?


dainty_ofcourse May 3 2011, 20:59:42 UTC
"Ah, well--!" A little flustered on this subject. "I don't think... he actually meant to come. And I didn't mean to actually summon him!" Reiterating that, just to be clear. "It was an accident. And... I mean, I didn't summon him, someone else did. But. Well, Chess wasn't... He wasn't dressed, um. All the way. When he appeared." Crimson spreads over his nose and cheeks while Senri stumbles through the explanation. "Though I think this one prefers to do as he wants, as well. Which is, um... Natural. I suppose." Cough.

The clockwork-butterfly topic is much safer! "A mechanical butterfly?" He replies, impressed. And Senri absolutely subscribes to the aesthetics philosophy. "I didn't realize you were so talented. That would take a lot of engineering know-how."


8butterflyboy8 May 3 2011, 21:07:01 UTC
Victor was going to ask a few questions about this "summoning" business -- his world doesn't have magic (or, if it does, it's all dressed up in the trappings of SCIENCE!), but Senri's mention of Chess appearing without clothes gets him blushing bright pink as well. "Oh! Oh, I -- I'm sure he didn't -- ah -- it must have been an accident if--" Excuse him, he's just going to gulp down some tea to calm his nerves.

Yes, clockwork butterflies are much nicer to discuss over a cup instead of accidental naked people. Victor blushes again at the compliment. "I'm picking things up fast, working for Doc," he says modestly. "According to him, I have a talent with 'nanomechanics' -- basically, very small working parts." Which probably has to do with those long fingers of his. "And butterflies are something I've been studying for years now. I still haven't worked out all the kinks in the design yet, but I'm optimistic."


dainty_ofcourse May 3 2011, 21:21:17 UTC
"Y-yes." Right. Well.
It will take a few moments for that flush recede and Senri to collect himself.

A little brow-wrinkle at 'nanomechanics' but it immediately evens out when Victor explains. "That would be really complicated -- those wings. And then getting it to move and fly and maneuver... What would you do with them? Sell them, or...?"


8butterflyboy8 May 3 2011, 21:35:21 UTC
Take your time, Senri, Victor needs his.

"Oh, I know," Victor says. "I've been studying my drawings of natural butterflies, and the wings are much more complex than anyone might realize. Trying to replicate them in metal is very tricky business. And the correct gear movements to allow it to fly like a real butterfly does. . .I'll probably be working on this for a while." He frowns and bites into another cupcake. "I don't know if we could mass-produce them. It's going to be hard enough to make the one. Perhaps I could let it loose into Wonderland Park -- Lewis would be interested, I'm sure."


dainty_ofcourse May 3 2011, 21:42:00 UTC
"Ah, it wouldn't be as nice of an accomplishment if you just whipped one up. How far have you gotten?" He finally breaks for a bit of tea, smoothing the placemat with his free hand. The perseverance and craftmanship he can definitely appreciate -- he's a designer as well, after all. There's a fair bit of construction and puzzling when it comes to garment construction...


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