RP Sunday: Open to all, happy Spring~

May 01, 2011 14:56

Signs have been up for a while. The one at the venue has been vandalized fixed:

Cupcakes and tea provided. All else available for purchase.
Donations go to:
 ( Pretty cupcakes and a whole Spring theme under here )

lacroix_styles, dainty_ofcourse, asher_embry, 8butterflyboy8, elwoodsingblues, a_peaceful_aura, rp

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lol, elwood is such a bum elwoodsingblues May 1 2011, 18:21:45 UTC
Elwood's looking a little worse for wear today. Kind of... muddy. He's hurrying along the street, looking rather suspect in all honesty, when he notices a poster pinned to the door of some hall or other and skids to a halt, grabbing his hat needlessly. Some kind of charity event. Don't talk to Elwood about charity-- he and his brother worked themselves to the bone raising $5,000 for the St. Helen of the Blessed Shroud orphanage and got thrown in the joint for their troubles!

Still. Free cupcakes.

He sidles in, tipping his hat to anyone standing by the door, and makes his way to the table with the cupcakes, keeping his distance from the airy springtime decorations-- he eyes them warily like they're about to come to life and eat him. He hovers at the table, looking down at cupcakes that look more like elaborate jewellery than food.

"Are these, uh, free?" he asks whichever poor chump happens to be standing nearest.


dainty_ofcourse May 1 2011, 18:48:47 UTC
Senri is not a chump at all -- he's a primly dressed tiny terror. Hmph, how rude.

"Can't you read?" Points to a nearby sign and then goes back to plucking off marshmallow-petals. He's eyeballing Elwood, trying to decide of the getup is absurd or amazing. "'Cupcakes and tea provided.'" Colored sugar on puffed sugar on frosted sugar is popped into his mouth. Chewing and juuuuuudging...


elwoodsingblues May 1 2011, 18:58:44 UTC
Elwood shrugs, not riled by the tone in the least. He actually isn't that great at reading, but he managed the sign fine. He's the kind that likes to check these things.

"Thank you," he says-- at over six feet tall, he finds himself looking down at Senri slightly, though only in the physical sense. Elwood doesn't really... do that.

Following that fairly polite response, he picks up a cupcake, peels off any wrapping and stuffs the whole thing in his mouth. It's a skill. Elwood is not renowned for his table manners.


dainty_ofcourse May 1 2011, 19:12:56 UTC
...........What did he just witness.

Senri watches it disappear all at once -- a tiny bit impressed but mostly just displaying outright disgust. It's quite a feat considering Senri went to an all boys' school. At least Elwood took off the wrapper first...?

Cupcake still in hand -but abandoned for the moment-, the 5'5" petite little designer will just gawk at this large, muddy, suited, vacuum of a man.


elwoodsingblues May 1 2011, 19:22:44 UTC
Elwood has already picked up another cupcake by the time he notices Senri's expression. He touches the brim of his hat, like that's going to make any difference, before starting to 'peel' the next cupcake.

"So... you... having a nice time here?" he asks awkwardly. He's usually content to be silent but it seems rude to say nothing while Senri is boggling at him like that.

While he replies-- if he replies-- Elwood does a repeat performance of his cupcake-swallowing trick. For whatever reason, the wrappers go into an inside pocket of his suit jacket.


dainty_ofcourse May 1 2011, 19:32:31 UTC
There are mixed messages being sent here! The hat tipping receives a slightly suspicious look but by the end of the polite inquiry the half-sized designer is just confused.

What are you doing. What is your life. Aside from the mud, your wardrobe is amazing.

But why did that wrapper go in the pocket.

Sucking a bit of frosting off his thumb before answering, still baffled and staring. "It's okay. Apparently it offers interesting people-watching. Enjoying those cupcakes? ...Do you even taste them?"


elwoodsingblues May 1 2011, 19:51:26 UTC
Elwood chews and nods vaguely while Senri speaks. He wears nothing but his suits and the sunglasses and hat do not come off. Ever. It's all about the sunglasses.

"Oh, yes," Elwood replies through a mouthful of cupcake. "They're very nice. Kind of sweet, though."

Says the man who eats whipped cream straight from the can. He looks tempted to take another cupcake but pulls out a pocket watch instead, checking on the time because Elwood always appreciates knowing the time despite the fact he's late to most things.


dainty_ofcourse May 1 2011, 19:58:11 UTC
E-ew. "Take smaller bites and don't talk with your mouth full!" A nose wrinkle and Senri has no problem telling off this giant. "And of course they're sweet -- it's colored sugar on top of marshmallows on top of frosting on top of cake. It's enough to send someone's blood sugar off the charts."

Brown eyes track Elwood's movements. ...Who in the world carries a pocket watch?? "Is this some kind of costume?"


elwoodsingblues May 1 2011, 20:07:46 UTC
He swallows quickly.

"Beg your pardon," he says, a little lamely but without sarcasm. People don't generally point out Elwood's utter lack of table manners: he doesn't run in those kinds of circles. He's also probably not about to stop eating like a pig.

At the question about his clothing, Elwood raises his eyebrows behind his sunglasses, slipping the watch back into a pocket.

"No, sir," he says seriously. "I'm a musician."

He seems to think that this explains everything.


dainty_ofcourse May 1 2011, 20:15:03 UTC
Senri seems satisfied with the apology for now... but the explanation is another thing entirely. Biting comments are dampered a little by Elwood's manners, however.

Someone called him 'sir' ♥

"Are you going to a performance or something? You're filthy."


elwoodsingblues May 1 2011, 20:26:30 UTC
"Not tonight, no," Elwood says. "I don't gen'rally perform like this. I had to take a shortcut." There are quite a few people in the world Elwood has to avoid, mainly because of his brother's antics. Not-quite-surreptitiously, he picks up another cupcake and starts peeling it.

He doesn't seem to notice the dirt. Elwood is the kind that is very satisfied with very little. He also calls anyone he doesn't know the name of "sir" or "ma'am".


dainty_ofcourse May 1 2011, 20:30:50 UTC
"...I'm sure all of that makes sense in you're head but I need a few more words on this end." He replies, tracking the plight of the next cupcake.


elwoodsingblues May 1 2011, 20:34:48 UTC
He's about to stuff the entire cupcake into his mouth again when he remembers that Senri doesn't appreciate people talking with their mouths full.

"I had to take a shortcut," he says. "It was muddy."

Rather enigmatic, but Elwood doesn't generally tell strangers about the sticky situations he tends to get into.


Good grief. I will proof read a little better, sorry. dainty_ofcourse May 1 2011, 20:39:24 UTC
"..." Processing. "So you're wearing those clothes because you are a musician but you're not actually performing right now. And you had to take a muddy shortcut." Just to clarify here because... that still doesn't make any sense to Senri.

"Can you even see indoors while wearing sunglasses? Did you go to the eye doctor or something?"


happens to the best of us~ elwoodsingblues May 1 2011, 20:47:58 UTC
"I always dress like this," Elwood says. "Being a musician don't stop when you're off the stage." Not in his eyes, anyway. He's sure others would beg to differ.

But he thinks they'd be begging to be wrong.

"I can see fine," he says. "I'm used to 'em."

Some say he wears them in bed. They're probably right.

He stuffs the cupcake into his mouth once he finishes.


dainty_ofcourse May 1 2011, 20:58:51 UTC
"So it's a whole image." He wonders if it makes things better or worse. Eyeballing the man critically again -- that poor suit. "What were you running from that you had to trek through mud?" A pause as that cupcake follows the path of the last two. "Don't make yourself sick. That's a lot of sugar. ...Maybe you should order some real food?"


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