Tuesday ♦ Sacrifice

Jun 01, 2010 08:43

♦ A sacrifice I made for someone else.
Well when I was younger I had these dreams of being a football player. I had played from elementary school up and I was good at it. The problem was that I’ve never had this… identity crisis that teens go through. I’ve always known I was gay. And other people knew it too. My brother Peter is only a year older than me. He wanted to be a football player too and he is to this day really good at it. I can’t imagine him doing anything else even now.

Back in the day being gay meant I was a leper or something. So when it got out that I was a homosexual I lost all my friends, I lost all my ‘cool’ points, and the football team turned against me. I went from being popular to being… alone. And then the other kids parents turned against me. They didn’t want their kids undressing in the locker room in front of me like I was some rabid beast that couldn’t control myself. They even called a school meeting about it… about my sexuality and whether I should play on the team or not.

Peter was getting a lot of flack for it and he was about to graduate, college scouts had their eyes on him. I didn’t want to ruin it for him the way the other kids were trying to because of me. So I quit. I left the team and I haven’t played anything but a game of street football here and there since. My quitting before they could boot me out is something I’ve always regretted for myself. But I’ve never once regretted it for Peter. He’s happy.

♦ A sacrifice someone has made for me.
Awhile back I met this man… in one date he was something special. And in two I knew I was going to fall head over heels for him. It was kind of whirlwind romance, something I never would have expected from myself since I’m normally so level-headed. It turns out that it really is the things that happen when you least expect them that make the most impact on your life.

Last Fall I was attacked. I was beat up pretty badly by the father of one of my patients. He used a crowbar and broke some bones including my skull. I shouldn’t even be alive today. But the man I mentioned earlier… he has never once left my side. What I was afraid might be a here today gone tomorrow romance has turned into the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Thackery has helped me through rehabilitation. He picked me up when I fell, when I couldn’t walk. And he continues to pick me up when I get down. He didn’t let me quit when really that was all I wanted to do. And even now… he doesn’t get angry with me when I forget things. I’ve rarely seen him get frustrated with me or with all of this that came from an attack from one angry man. He sacrifices for me all the time and I love him so much for it… I love him more than I can say.


Mark Sampson
Original Character


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