Here's an interesting question (or not):
Do you like your character(s)?
Presumably, you love them, or why would you write them, yes? But let's say for a moment they were real. Are they someone you would want to call a friend? Or would the traits that make them a fabulous fictional character turn you off like hell in real life? (See: Dr. Greg House, just as an example...) So, could you be their friend? Their roommate? Their employer... or employee? Or would you just throw up your hands in disgust and write them off as impossible?
Answer for as many muses as it applies!
I like my muse. He's everything I wish I could be. I don't think a friendship would be possible though, and for a few reasons. The first reason is that what he's done to help LA, and what he's done against his enemies has turned him practically into a professional victim. Sahjhan thinks Ron Snyder has a permanent cosmic kick-me sign on his back now, and even if Sahjhan was just another muse, you don't disagree with a Granok Demon if you can help it. The other reason I don't think a friendship is possible is probably even worse than the first one. I don't think I'd be able survive a friendship with Ron without feeling very very small. Great men have large shadows, and I don't believe I can handle the shade it creates without feeling sad and insignificant. I wish I was able to help him though, so I could handle working for him. I'd answer the phones at the 'Gunn-Pryce Shelter for Troubled Women' or something (formally called The Hyperion Hotel), maybe use what counseling experience I've gained while the boss continues fighting.