I like all of my characters in that they interest me in some way be it circumstances they deal with, the walk of life they hail from, their time period or vocation. This doesn't mean they are all people I would want to actually associate with, however.
abbytude Abby Lockhart, M.D. She's a bitch and a selfish user of those around her. A control freak and pretty much a self-destructive sad sack. These sorts of people are draining to be around and I wouldn't want to deal with her, were she real.
sand_andwater Pippa Kerr. I'd like to discuss art with her and maybe even music but again, Pippa is the sort of person that most people will never grow close to, she keeps things at arm's length. She's likable if not lovable.
rein_it_in Laine Anderson, hardass. She'd be fun to have a BBQ with. A little too judgmental for someone I'd want as an actual friend.
so_well_read Chantal Weller. She likes It's A Small World. She possibly needs to die.
not_a_royal Waverly Windsor. I love food. She does not. We would never get along well.
half_whole_pw Peter Webster. I know people like him. I'd hang out with him and give him horrible relationship advice. Oh, wait...
liam_did_it Marcus MacEibhir. He's a nineteen year old little jerk, I'd only want to know him if I could punch him in the head.
verbal_vomit_1 Chuck Worth. Teenagers bug me. No.
architect_mine Adriaan van Rijs. He's fun when he's drinking or arguing with his squirrel. Otherwise, he is a cranky bastard. I might have fun with him at a bar until one of us started playing Meatloaf on the jukebox.
pullings Tom Pullings. I'd kill him.
keptinmykeptin Pavel Chekov, reboot edition. He has a puppy. Nuff said.