Saturday Prompt - OOC Music Playlist.

May 21, 2009 04:05

Is it a crime to start each day with a laugh and a smile and a song?
-- from the Judy Holliday musical, "Bells Are Ringing".

I was in the middle of writing out a really in-depth analysis of this playlist with links and quotes and canon references and all that jazz, but unfortunately, other projects are hindering my progress and I'd like to move on so I can continue to other prompts. Maybe when I have more time I'll finish and post it to my journal.

I have tons of music for Harley. Tons. I'm going to limit myself to posting 10 Harley/Joker relationship-centric songs right now, as that is just what fits Harley at the time I'm writing her in for this community. They're not all perfect, the stories don't literally match up to Harley's life, but overall I just feel like these are the best ones that I have that suit her and her point of view on what is possibly the most twisted relationship ever. Harley is certainly not aware of the existence of all of these songs, let alone thinking they're about her or even liking them. But I think it's safe to say she could find the lyrics relatable.

Heck, cartoon!Harley did sing "Say That We're Sweethearts Again" in the Batman: The Animated Series episode "Harlequinade".

On that note (pardon the pun) if anyone has any song recommendations that remind them of Harley/Dr. Quinzel/Harley&Joker/Harley&Whoever, I'm always always always on the lookout to add to my collection.


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