Charloft Munday: PB talk

May 18, 2009 11:26

I'm only going to talk OCs or muses with multiple possible PBs because canon characters like Snake and such are too iconic as themselves to ever dream of putting another face on them.

1. Who is your character's PB?
Rosie/wholelotofrosie - Anna Nicole Smith - Playboy Playmate

Kailin Tyree/kailin_tyree - Actor Unknown

Radagast the Brown/awendilofbirds - ???

Bill Taylor/sgt_taylor - Timothy Hutton - Actor

Ian Malcolm/Malcolmeffect - Jeff Goldblum - Actor/Pianist

Penninnah/sacredeyes - Zuleikha Robinson - Actress

2. Which came first, the character or the PB?
Rosie - It was the muse I suppose but just by a few seconds. Anna was right there as my first mental image of her.

Kailin was definitely the Character first.

Radagast was definitely the character long before a PB

Taylor was character first as well.

Ian was both at the same time

Peninnah is hard to explain. She is very similar to an old table top character I had played in Rifts and AD&D but it was seeing Hildago that brought her back.. so both?

3. Why did you choose this particular PB?

Rosie to me just couldn't be anyone but Anna Nicole. From the flirty, giggly photos to the resemblence between Anna and the blow up doll of Rosie in the AC/DC shows.. there just couldn't be anyone else.

For Kailin I use caps of a Centauri spy on the Babylon 5 show which is appropriate.

Radagast I have yet to Choose a PB for. It is still PB in progress.

Taylor's original PB is Joe Unger the actor who plays him in the movie but there just isn't any way to get images of Joe so I went looking for another. Hutton was perfect for the age and look as well as the range of laughing and smiling images. Taylor is the happy side to Snake's grumpiness.

Ian - I had debated going with the book description of Ian and trying to find a balding Middle aged man for his PB but then I just couldn't picture anyone but Jeff Goldblm being him and gave up.

Peninnah - For her it was the mannerisms of Zuleikha in Hidalgo that led to the choice. The character Jazira is very similiar in personality to Peninnah in some ways.

4. How close is the PB to your character? What are the differences, if any?
I think Rosie and Anna are a lot a like in many personality traits. However Rosie is just a little crazier and not famous exactly, yet.

Given what Kailin's PB is in the show I suppose they are fairly close.

I'm still looking for Radagast. Though unless I use Richard Attenborough or something I doubt Radagast and his PB will be much alike.

I don't think Hutton is anything like Taylor in background but the personality, from what I see in interviews, seems to be comparable.

The thing Ian and Jeff have in common I think is that they are both very extroverted and both like music.

You know, I don't know much about Zuleikha off the screen to even know.

5. Have you modified the PB in any way to be more like your character?
I have added the tattoos into some of the images of Anna to make her more like Rosie.

For the rest of them I haven't modified the PBs at all.

I guess I can add here that Snake has the most modified images. I've become a pro at adding eye patches and that big snake tattoo to all kinds of things.

6. Have you ever changed your character's PB / would you ever? Why, or why not?
I would never dream of changing Rosie or Ian's PB. Radagast is in constant flux. For awhile I tried using a human model for Kailin but didn't like it and changed back. Taylor I've changed from Joe Unger to Timothy Hutton. I really like this change. Peninnah went through a change as well. I started out with random bedouin women and slowly changed over to using Zuleikha when I had a chance to make icons.

7. Where did you find icons of your PB, or did you make them yourself?
I've made probably 90% of the icons I use for all of my muses.

8. Is it important to have an appropriate PB for your character? Why or why not?
I think it is very important. The PB is part of the characters portrayal. Also for me I am visually cued so seeing the PB needs to fit the voice in my head.

On other discussion of this... I hate seeing muses with PBs not appropriate for their age. OC that are 30 using a PB of a 15 year old drives me wild sometimes. I think it is because the Icons are a presentation of the character to the other players. I don't know.. seems like false advertising to me or something.

9. Have you ever been favorably/unfavorably predisposed towards a character because you liked or didn't like the PB choice?
I can't say I have been unfavorably acted on by a PB but I will say with canon movie characters that I tend to pick up muses of actors I like simply because I like the movies and the actor. I love Kurt Russell so... I do have a number of his canon muses. I suppose that is a way of being favorable toward a PB.

10. Have you ever had a character who was represented by text icons / no icon only because they were too difficult to find a PB for?
I think Radagast falls into this category though not with text. A number of his icons are birds at the moment due to his lack of PB. I also use quite a few of starships for Kailin for the same reason.

sacredeyes, malcolmeffect, wholelotofrosie, call_me_snake

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