Feb 18, 2010 10:42

I figured that since the only consistency this LJ has is that there is at least one post on WHD. So here it is:


I was asked a couple of questions recently; Why is my job open today? And Is there a wikipedia entry on the day?

I had the day off, but someone we'll call "THE MAN" needed someone to oppress, and I was thereafter nominated for candidacy.
Since I'm opening, I might look into shuffling off early because this place is dead and I'd rather not spend my day of "freedom" locked down with these bitches.

February is mosdef my favorite month for personal holidays!

It's Mikie's first Whoopin' House Day and I don't think we're gonna even do a CAKE!

SA'WHAT?! Yeah I know. Prolly coulda if I'd told the man what to do with his overtime shift.

But these things happen.

So how's the union? Look at the STATE of it!!

I discovered today, when more than 1 person took temporary --if not strictly polite-- interest in the holiday, that Angelfire doesn't seem to exist in and of itself. Only my site exists. I went to attempt a login and NOTHING.
No log in page, no homepage, nothing. So if I don't know the addy to a particular section by heart, or I don't have a link to it, she's HIS'TREE!

I need to take some time and export (read copy/paste) everything I can out of there before the whole thing falls victim to DESOLATION MOST HEINOUS!

I mentioned on twitter --as no one knows-- that I had to work, and what did I expect? The Patriarch is DEAD! Indeed Charles Johannus Whenceforth Adeline Heebee Geebee Bring Home the Bacon Don't Forget The Milk Weewax has been dead nigh on a decade. Actually, wait, he died pre-millenia, so we're coming up on 11 years this year!

For those of you who remember (read me),Charlie returned to Weewax World one rainy night, and everyone got excited and cheered not realizing/caring that this Charlie was a gentleman of Hispanic origins. I had delusions of doing stories with the new Charlie as a build up to the originals return but it never happened.

At times, I'm thinking we need a franchise reboot. Other times, I do things like watch TV.
What mythical protagonist of lore hasn't had a reinvention from time to time?
I toyed with the notion for a while of making an ESCAPE FROM CORPORATE AMERICA storyline where a down and out Charlie struggles with the mundane day to day of customer service but it never came to fruition.

Weewax Island fell through.
And the Shadows trilogy was never going to happen.

I don't know though. Outside of Whoopin' House Day celebrations, it doesn't seem like the gang hold much relevance anymore. (Read aren't as funny as I think)

Maybe if something hits me one of these days, we'll revisit, but for now, they remain only legends.

So in the meantime:


weewax island, code red, cake, angelfire, corporate america, state of the union, whoopin house day

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