Early morning musings

Sep 02, 2007 07:54

[Private to myself]
Early Morning, September 2nd

Couldn't sleep last night. I think I'm going to have to take Bill up on his offer to go see Ginny, because the pain from the burns is rather intense at times. I'm taking potions that the mediwitches gave me back in Romania, but I'm not sure they're doing much good. Though, maybe it's the emotional pain that's getting to me more than the physical.
Loosing Sherri the way we did was brutal. We all knew that any of the dragons could attack at any time, but seeing her attacked... that's my worst nightmare come true. I suppose when you're in the thick of things, you get desensitized to the occational burn here or there, the occational slice from a stray claw or the bruise from being knocked around. Especially when you're working with Horntails, as we've been doing more and more lately as they've been moving into the area. But they are fairly tollerent of our studies, since we keep a respectful distance and that's usually enough to keep us safe. I suppose that just brought home the fact that one misstep could leave us dead. Suppose that's why I'm here, back in England. I've never been one to shy from danger, but this... this was too much. I can't keep thinking about that. Maybe I'll write a book... publish all the results I've been studying for years. That'll give me a job here in England, because at this point I'm not sure that I'll ever go back... not permanently anyway. Suppose I need to find someone nice and settle a bit. Though I don't know which is more frightening, the thought of being charred by a dragon or the thought of settling down with someone.
So Bill helped me move the rest of my things to his house. It's nice being there, even though the prat named his bloody dog after me, so now everytime he calls for me, the dog comes running. Brilliant. I told Bill I was going to keep the lease on the flat there, but I didn't. I went back when we were finished and turned over the lease to the camp so that one of the others could use it. I don't really want it anymore. If I go back, I'll stay in a hotel. Now I just have to figure out how to tell Mum and Dad that I'm not just staying with Bill for a few days, that I'm there for the long run. I'd much rather live with him anyway. He needs me. Not that he couldn't make it on his own, but I've spent so much time away from him, missed so many things in his life because I was off with the dragons. After all, Mum and Dad always have each other. And now Bill has me, and I'm not leaving again.

Time to get moving, I suppose. I think we were going to go out today, but I'm not sure. Besides, I think I hear Bill rattling around in the kitchen, and I could really use some coffee. At least there's one thing he doesn't stink at making.

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