Yes, I got Marilyn's computer set up again -- and then spent ages messing with it because of the SMELL in our office. (It was coming from the computer, so I cut a hole in the back of her desk to make sure there's plenty of ventilation! It's only cardboard, so you'd think that would be easy, right? Wrong...)
Our Writing Circle meeting for January was AWESOME! Laura and Logan joined our group, so we were now eight: Laura, Logan, Dick, Angel, Sue, Jodi, Marilyn and me. That's actually perfect! (smile)
Laura and Logan did our exercise and are absolutely good writers -- it's so exciting to have them with us!
We had piles of food. Fresh veggies and dip, plates of meat (two kinds) and cheese (two kinds), hot meatballs, a meatloaf, mac and cheese, a large salad, crackers, brownies and ice cream. I could barely fit all the food on the table.
Marilyn and I got home later than planned (surprise), so I was RACING to finish my story (what's new) and get the food and house ready (cats locked up and so on) -- but it all worked out fine!
Today was SUPER BUSY at work (at the festival office). Kris was there, and we changed out some MAJOR PASSWORDS today.
He also fixed Marilyn's home computer (which we'd hauled in this morning), fixed Outlook on the Graphics computer and was cloning two computers when I left him. He'll be back in the morning for our 10:00 a.m. phone meeting with Rick and the guys from Inflow.
During Staff meeting today a HUGE (and fancy) basket was delivered -- which turned out to be from Kris (!!!) as a congratulations on our new title as 'official festival.' What a nice thing for him to do! Everybody was impressed. I made sure he got his jacket today (and put one aside for Ron, too).
Yeah, we all got our Staff jackets for 2010, which are blue and black -- very nice! I don't remember EVER getting them this early before. It's cool, because we'll have them to wear to events that happen early on.
Of course, I forgot to mention that Marilyn and I started our day out at Centennial High School, in Gresham (Oregon), listening to band practice with Frank (one of our festival Directors). It was a cool experience, to tell you the truth!
Marilyn did an entry for our festival blog (we didn't do any entries in 2008), so I'm excited that we'll be able to say: The blog is back!
We were late getting back for Staff meeting, but only missed the first few minutes, happily.
Rich gave me a present today (a belated bday gift -- with card and a book), which I'll talk about in another entry... He's such a sweet guy and good friend!
I was so busy at work that I could barely turn around. I needed to work on the website, but IT is totally kicking my butt. Still, it's GREAT to be working with Kris, so I'm not complaining! We're going to get things under control and going great -- I have no doubt about that at all!
I'm dying I'm so tired, so I guess it's time for bed. It was a really successful and happy day, all in all (no matter how beat I am).
Hey, doesn't anybody have another (heavy) computer tower I can pack around for them? (heh) My life is just so glamorous...
Well, at least I got my story done in time!