"The Dark Knight" and NaNoWriMo Update.

Nov 30, 2008 01:12

Yes. Marilyn mistressmarilyn and I did go to see "The Dark Knight" in second run -- and we each had a beer while we watched it (plus popcorn), too! So, how about those apples? (smile)

That last sentence is probably a reflection of my NaNo novel, by the way. ('Two shakes of a lamb's tail...')

Here's my current word count:

46,597 / 50,000
Yes, I have another 3,403 words to go, which I think I'll be able to make tomorrow.


We have another local NaNo gathering at 2:00 p.m., so I hope I'll have some decent count by then...

Time for bed. Yes, we're actually going to try getting to bed before 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. for the first time in more than two weeks... (grin)

It's hard to stop writing, but it's probably a good thing. We were finding that taking breaks was helping us today, so...

I need to congratulate all of my many friends who have already won NaNo, which I'll probably wait and do on Monday. Just so you guys know, I'm very proud of all of you!

Of course, I'm proud of all my friends who participated, too. It's not just about winning, after all...

marilyn, writing, beer, 2008, batman, movie, november-2008, nanowrimo

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