Fighting a Bug? Maybe.

Apr 05, 2014 23:24

Marilyn had issues yesterday and I've had them today. Neither one of us is feeling great, but we don't care -- it's still lovely to be here at the beach house!

We had rain last night and today, but we're okay with that. I did re-think wearing my sandals out today, though! I went back to heavy socks and full shoes that keep my feet warm and DRY. Hahaha.

We did feel up to going out for lunch and went to the Wayfarer, which is a favorite restaurant and very nice. They seated us by the window so we had a lovely view of the beach. (Wow, you could really see the pouring rain!) I had an amazing grilled cheese sandwich that had tomato, bacon and avocado -- delicious!

We went into Canon Beach and did a little shopping (mostly window shopping) there. It's always fun to go to the various shops.

We came home and watched some TV, then both went and had naps. I slept a long time, I guess because I wasn't feeling that great. But when I got up I made refried bean tacos, with some nice tea. Tea is always good when you don't feel well.

I was able to eat, though just a little. I've got the same sick headache that Marilyn has been mentioning...

We've been thinking about getting a movie On Demand, as we were going to go out to the show and missed out on that. I don't know if we will or not, as late as it is.

Love being at the beach house -- sick or not, rain or not. (smile)

marilyn, beach-house, tv, rain, weather, lunch, headache, shopping, movie, on-demand, marilyn-sick, sick, dinner, food

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