Mini-Vacation at the Beach -- Feel Like a Big One!

Mar 15, 2014 23:26

This mini-vacation feels like the real thing (like a week long vaca) to Marilyn and me! It's so damn nice to be here for a few lovely (long) days...

It's raining outside right now -- really pouring. But for most of the day it was mild and dry. I slept in (Marilyn was up before me, as she often is here). Then we just lazed around the house for ages and had a nap that spanned most of the afternoon.

We took a drive up the coast going to the Oswald West area where we have the hiking trail we love so much. We both got out there briefly, but my, was it windy!!! We're planning ahead to go out on the trail like we used to years back. In four months we hope to do that again! (woo hoo) It's nice to have something like that in mind for after the festival is over!

After our drive we headed to Pig 'N Pancake for dinner, as we both wanted to have chowder and calms. Delicious, as always! Then we headed over to Safeway to pick up a few things (like my coffee creamer and milk and so on).

When we got home we watched the end of the movie we rented On Demand yesterday, but didn't finish watching. It's a 2013 film, "Homefront," with Jason Statham and James Franco (written by Sylvester Stallone). The story focuses on a former DEA agent who moves his daughter to a small town, where he ends up tangling with a local meth druglord. Lots of action and dead bodies, as you might imagine. We both love Jason Statham, by the way. The movie wasn't fantastic, but we enjoyed it, even so. If you like action/adventure movies, you might want to check it out.

Then we played Escape Rosecliff Island, which we both have on our iPads (and used to play side-by-side on our desktop computers in our home office in Portland). We enjoy HOGs (hidden object games) a lot -- and we think they're good for the mind and keeping your memory strong, aside from the fun. This game is never the same twice, so it never gets boring, believe it or not. You can get it for either your computer or device, so if you've never given it a try, we both highly recommend it...

We did see the ocean (one of the things we promised ourselves when we got the beach house that we would ALWAYS do every time we come here) -- and the tide was really in today! Plus the wind had the waves really whipped up! Last night you could hear the ocean really well, and we both think that's so relaxing at night (and to sleep to).

You should SEE this hole that Ralph (our beach handyman) made for me since the last trip down here! I actually had a chance to talk to him and tell him what I wanted: A hole in the wall about the size of a baseball -- big enough to easily pass cables through. I didn't need anything fancy, I just wanted to put a cable from the computer in my bedroom over to the modem that's on the desk in the office area just outside of my bedroom. But he got a fancy liner and wall plates and it's very, very cool! (Years and years ago when Marilyn and I lived with Mom and Dad we just took a hand drill and made holes in the wall to put cables through. Believe me, they were NOTHING like this! Hahaha.)

So now we've got two desktop computers set up here, in case we ever need to WORK at the same time. The 'desk' in my bedroom isn't perfect (by far), but it works. The desk in our office area is VERY NICE, and has a green glass top that's very 'beachy' (I think). But both computers have dual monitors and are pretty fast, really. Not as nice as those in our home office in Portland, but still pretty nice... There are just times when a desktop computer is exactly the ticket (and a laptop really won't do). So...

No real plans for tomorrow. I imagine we'll be lazy and watch more TV and play on our iPads and nap and read and relax. Just what we both need right now!

(Sister Sue is still feeling poorly -- but greatly appreciates all the kindnesses you guys have extended! Thanks a lot! I hope to be updating with better news, soon. She wrote that she was planning to stay down this weekend, so maybe she'll be better by the time we get home...)

My bloodcounts today: 77 (at 5:15 a.m. -- !!!), 107 (at 9:56 a.m.) and 84 (at 4:52 p.m. -- !!!). I'm trying to 'treat' the LOWS by simply eating food, and not by taking in sugar. It's difficult, because lows make you feel so crappy (shaking and weak and weird). But ingesting sugar will mess with my long term blood tests for diabetes, and I hate that. Plus I need to see how this will continue. Needless to say, the new meds are really helping out my high blood sugar issues!

I guess that's it for today. Love you all!

computers-at-the-beach, nap, 2014, bloodcount, computer, pig-n-pancake, tv, march-2014, relaxing, rest, work, movie, ralph, food, marilyn, beach-house, drive, seaside-oregon, hog, ipads, napping, ocean, escape-rosecliff-island, recommendation, on-demand, diabetes, sleep, sister-sue

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