Fic: Community

Feb 14, 2012 23:10

Title: Analysis of Unknown Emotion
Fandom: Community
Rating: G
Characters/ships: Troy/Abed
Word count: 238
Summary: When Troy looks at Abed he thinks he's in love with him.
Author's Note: Trying to get back into the ficcing game, here, so have a little drabble inspired by the way Troy is looking at Abed in this cap. Kind of taken out of context, but still.

Sometimes Troy thinks he's in love with Abed. In the quiet moments, when it's just the two of them.

They're in the blanket fort watching Batman Begins and eating candy. It's dark, the only light coming from the glow of the TV screen. And Troy's just looking at Abed, for no reason at all, really. Abed had been eating a piece of licorice, but now, because the movie's gotten to a particularly tense point, he's forgotten to chew, and the licorice sticks out of his mouth, unnoticed.

He looks pretty silly, actually, so Troy's not quite sure why he can't stop looking at him. All he knows is this is the happiest he's ever been in his life. And he can't imagine ever being this happy again.

It's a weird kind of happy, though, as Troy watches Abed. It comes with this ache, deep in his chest, that Troy thinks is sadness, but it can't be, because he's happy.

That's what makes Troy think he's in love with Abed. And the ache is because Abed doesn't know.

He could tell him he loves him, but he doesn't.

Abed glances at Troy. He takes the licorice out of his mouth. “What?”

Troy shrugs. “Nothing.”

Abed smiles, content as always. “Cool.” He bites into his licorice and returns his attention to the movie.

Troy keeps looking at Abed. It's not like he really minds the ache, anyway.

fic: community, ship: troy x abed, character: troy barnes

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