Happy New Year, all!

Jan 01, 2012 14:29

Hellooooo, Livejournal! Haven't been around here in, oh, forever. I hope you've all had an amazing holiday season. ^_^

2011 was a good year... Finished out my freshman year of college, started my sophomore year... This past semester in my Film Production class I helped to produce a 15-minute film, which was pretty awesome. Grades weren't as good this past quarter as I'd have liked, but hopefully my winter quarter will go better...

As far as TV goes, because TV is my favorite thing, I watched several new shows this year!
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Angel
  • Dollhouse
  • Firefly
  • Alphas
  • Leverage
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Community
  • Parks and Recreation (not caught up yet, but getting there!)
And I love them all. For 2012: WATCH ALL THE TV SHOWS. =D

I could say here that my New Years' resolution is to update my LJ more often, but that doesn't seem likely, because every time I post here I say I will do that and it doesn't happen. However, I may just effectively turn my LJ into a place where I can post my fanfics. Because if I have somewhere to post them I might actually write more. XD

But question - I'm not well-informed on how LJ works - is it acceptable to just post fics on my journal like this, or would it be better to create a community? Or does either one work? XD
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