Cyberhawk Personal Edition (Freeware) This is NOT Anti Virus program
This is an Firewall , This is an anti-spyware ,
This is an Anti-malware , This is an Anti-worm
I recommend using this instead of Zone Alarm, WinXP SP2 Firewall and Mcafee Firewall/security suite
I recommend this to ppl that download cracks and view porn with Internet Explorer
I recommend this to ppl that use Microsoft Media Player
I recommend this to ppl that use Microsoft Outlook Express -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then again newbies could learn to use
XPY(secure windows) ,
Firefox (instead of IE) ,
Media player classic (instead of WMP) ,
thunderbird (instead of Outlook Express)
, aMSN/Miranda (insted of MSN Messager)
and be a lot safer :-)