Prompt/Drabble My eyes

Mar 01, 2014 13:58

Pairing: SuMin / friend!BaeKai

They were fucked. First of all he knew he would not pass Creative Drawing I, even if he tried to. But now it all just had escalated to hell to be honest.
The teacher had assigned the seats for the exam, and he and Kai were turned to the window. He was kind of worried because out this specific window all there were was buildings, nothing else.

To make things worst right when he was looking for inspiration Kai had dropped a fucking tainted brush on his sneaker, and when he was about to scold him, he had finally noticed where Kai was looking, as if in trance. Outside the window, there had been two males, fucking against the window of one of the closest buildings. Like mad too. And they were looking to them as well. And to make it worst he did not seem to be able to take his eyes from the scene. He kept remembering what the teacher had said.

'For this exam, you will look ahead of you and draw what you see...'


baekhyun/kai, prompt/drabble, nc-17, suho/xiumin, crack

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