
Feb 12, 2011 14:18

The business with Julian Assange is getting more and more absurd by the hour. The accusations thrown on the Swedish justice system are ridiculous and I can't BELIEVE that so many people take his words for it. He called Sweden 'the Saudiarabia of feminism'. What does that even mean? It's the most preposterous thing I've heard. He's upset because we have a legislation which requires a man to make sure the woman he's about to have intercourse with, is willing. He's upset because, as he says, he's being prosecuted for 'surprise sex'. Surprise sex! My god. This whole thing is pissing me off something bad. He's accused of not using a condom against the women's requests and for refusing to take an HIV test afterwards, basically. The way he claims a Swedish court is in the hands of CIA and that he won't get a fair trial is so absurd I can't even grasp it. Just come to Sweden and get the trial over with, you arrogant bastard! I think the power has gotten to his head, completely. Everyone should have a fair trial, EVERYONE. But the difficulties of his case has very little to do with that and who he is, and everything to do with the fact that rape charges are always very, very difficult to try, because of how often there's no physical evidence.

Egypt! Yay! How amazing that a more or less peaceful protest can achieve such results. It's extremely encouraging to see how most people just want to live in peace and in freedom, regardless of religion or otherwise. How people can organise themselves like this for a common purpose. No, let's just hope the military doesn't take over completely themselves...

In other news, watched the new British show Bedlam, with openly gay singer Will Young as one of the main characters. It wasn't particularly good. But it's interesting because Will is playing a supposedly straight character, which I think is great in a way. But man, he's so completely unbelievable as straight! He's just not a good enough actor to not be his own gay self. I thought he would throw himself at the other guy at any moment, the way he acted. It's a pity that won't happen. Then I would probably LOVE the show. At least a little more than I do now.

I can't do a post without a little bit Tom Hardy, can I? I love this pic of him and his trainer/friend Pnut, learning to ski for Inception.

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