Three movies have been seen this past week or so:
- This evening I've seen Where the wild things are (for free, no less!). I had very high expectations, since I feel expontential love for Spike Jonze. And I was not disappointed! Such a gorgeous, funny and completely adorable movie. Perfectly done. How fabulous isn't it, to be able to make such a poetic, melancholy and interesting movie from such a little children's book (albeit a very, very good book)? It's pretty amazing. I left feeling all fuzzy and warm and happy inside. ♥
- Last week, I saw Avatar and I have three words: Entertaining, fascinating and ridiculous. Entertaining because it's a very long movie and it didn't feel like it. Fascinating because my god! The detail of that Pandorian jungle is amazing, and it seems fantastically real. Ridiculous because there were so many clichés stacked upon one another, it was about to crumble. I rolled my eyes so hard behind those 3D-glasses everytime the Big Bad Military Man came on. It's a pity, because take away all that, and the silly one-liners, this is a movie I'd gladly see again, just to dive into that jungle again.
- I've also seen Fish Tank a really terrific British movie about a 15 year old girl, living in rather depressing circumstances, and is trying to find her way. The actors are fantastic, the main character is played by a girl who was apparently literally picked from the street. She's congenial. It's not an entirely uplifting movie, but there's a poetic touch to it, and there's definitely hope in there. As I watching this movie, I was struck at how there's somehow a boundless depravity among some of these people, where everyone is a kid, where no one takes any responsibility. It seems worse, in a way, since they're living in what is considered a rich country. The hope in the movie lies in the fact that Mia, the girl, shows that she has integrity and respect, and that maybe SHE is willing to take some responsibility.
That is the end of today's culture corner. Good night, folks. Until next time.
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