I've finally found a SPN story (apart from astolat's stories, of course) that I really, really, REALLY love:
Life As We Know It by
sevenfists. It's funny, angsty, very, very sweet and most of all, completely believable to me. Just perfect. I've found that a lot of SPN fiction tend to be a bit on the earnest side, because while I love angst and depth,
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But I would have loved it if they'd dealt just a bit with the Sam-is-still-in-the-real-world-part. Because the more I think about that, the more horrible it seems, leaving Sam alone, with the demon and no family. From that perspective, it would be almost callous of Dean if that wasn't one MAJOR reason (together with saving all those people) for him to come back. He said to Sam 'You had a LIFE!', but since that wasn't real!Sam, it really didn't matter. So in a way, even if Dean wanted to stay in the fake world because his family was alive and happy, it was only for his own sake. Of course, we can probably infer that real!Sam's life was an important factor in returning, I wish they'd give just a little hint about it.
And yeah, he's got a really crappy view of himself, poor guy. Like you say, he's obviously aware that he COULD act that way, but it's not like he ever really does. And it's interesting that he can't imagine himself being anything but a mechanic, probably because that's the only thing he'd know to do in the real world, apart from hunting. All the while there's nothing to suggest that in a completely different world, like the one the Djinn creates, he'd not be studying or something himself. He's not stupid, after all. And the reason he's not well-educated is because of the hunting. So it does say a lot about how he views himself. It's awfully intriguing.
Sam/Dean stories are indeed very angst-ridden. Done right, I love that. It's like going back to the X-files days, trying to make Mulder & Krycek work. J2 is fun, yeah. But man, there's a whole lot of trash written out there. I haven't really found anything really terrific yet. But I'm still reading and hoping. :)
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