I've finally found a SPN story (apart from astolat's stories, of course) that I really, really, REALLY love:
Life As We Know It by
sevenfists. It's funny, angsty, very, very sweet and most of all, completely believable to me. Just perfect. I've found that a lot of SPN fiction tend to be a bit on the earnest side, because while I love angst and depth, earnestness can be the thing that tips it over to the not-good side. I think one reason why I loved popslash and love SGA stories so much is because there's such an abundance of stories with that perfect combination of light and dark, humour and emotion, sweet and sour. Also, dialogue is everything. That just has to work, for the story to work. So yeah, fabulous story. And oh, it's Sam/Dean, in case you were wondering. That's the only SPN fic I read.
Also, this story just tied in so beautifully with the latest episode. I watched it on the train down south on Friday (very cosy) and then again on the train up. And then I had to watch it again when I got home. It's just one of those eps.
I can watch it over and over, because there are so many layers to explore. But there are also some things I'm wondering about: is the world the Djinn creates a world completely seperate from the ordinary world? I mean, was Sam looking for Dean all the while Dean was mowing the lawn and would he have found Dean dead etc? Did that happen regardless of Dean's wish-world? Would Sam's life in the regular world have continued, being even worse than before, since he would have been without Dean too? It really doesn't make any sense, when I think about it. Because if that's the case, then Dean's wish to stay would have been cruel indeed. But if it's not (but rather a parallell world), then what happened in the period of time (which obviously was much shorter than in the Djinn-world) that Dean was living his new life? Where was real!Sam?
And the episode gets sadder for every time I watch it too. Dean is such a huge fuck-up in this world. He obviously drinks too much, steals, doesn't visit his family. Is this his own view of himself? His happy face when seeing mom & Sam is really quite devastating, because he so wants happiness for his family. More than he wants it for himself. Dean is such a star.
I've also (finally!) finished all the stories in the lovely SGA
Surfacing fanzine with nothing but fabulous stories. Really, there was maybe one I didn't care for. All the rest, artwork and all (
crysothemis, you're a star!), is fantastic. Highly recommended, and worth every penny.
On the train, I also read
purna's superb SGA story,
Converging. It's one of those long, extremely satisfying stories that really let the story take its time and slowly develop. I love everything about it.
I really love fandom.