i read themalvin_stalvinDecember 3 2004, 04:23:13 UTC
i read your entries, thats why i allways try and get u to write stuff, coz i dunno, its a good way to get shit off your chest and i dunno, its a good way of documenting feelings and memories, :( my deepest sympathy's about the falls, that bites ass, im hoping i can save up money for a trip to sydney next year on my own, but i doubt my mum will let me but ill deal with that when i ask her plus there is the issue of getting money... i applied for 2 jobs today ^_^ u know whats strange, im in a hell shit mood right now and i have no f'ing idea why, its scaring me, but doesnt matter ill get over it, well thats enough of my rambling catcha later talk to ya later
Re: i read themalvin_stalvinDecember 12 2004, 07:55:16 UTC
well... i dunno i just sorta ranted on a bit eh :P and as you know i dont post entries very much so... i guess you could call it an entry but yeah... i should probably cancel all of the lj friends which post's i dont read, coz i have frickin tonnes of entry's to sift through meh ill be right catcha later
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