Mar 26, 2010 21:18
Jeez, bbs. I'm an asshole.
So its been a while since I updated. I can explain. I've been living in London since January 15th...and that's all.
Ok, no that's not all. But its why I haven't updated since the beginning of the year. London is amazing and for anyone who's ever been, you know what I mean. What's even better about it is that I actually live here, so I get to do things that tourists don't get to. One of my favorite things to do is go to Regent's Park and have a picnic and read a book. It's kinda unsettling though when the ducks stalk up to me and beg for food. I always think they're gonna attack me for my sandwich...
I've steadily become more and more obsessed with The Beatles starting about a month and a half before I got here and I'm showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. I've been listening to them non-stop and right now I'm on a big George Harrison kick right now. Paul is and will always be my favorite Beatle, but George is definitely my favorite ex-Beatle. I've been playing out his All Things Must Pass album as of late. I'd really love to talk about how much I love The Beatles with you guys. The people in my study abroad group don't get it at all and its been getting on my nerves more and more as time goes on.
I just got back from Amsterdam a couple of days ago. That was an experience. No, I didn't get high and if I can be frank, I regret it. But my friend I went with wouldn't do it and how depressing would it be to get high on your own in a strange city where you don't speak the language...? My favorite memory of Amsterdam is definitely the Anne Frank House. For anyone who's been, tell me your thoughts. For anyone who hasn't, GO! It was such a powerful experience, even with the barrage of Spanish high schoolers who clearly didn't understand where they were. It was extremely moving to be standing in the same place those families did all those years ago, living in fear for their lives everyday for two years. I was moved to tears in the last room of the house. There was a video of Otto Frank talking about when he was given Anne's diary and that it took him years to read it because it only reminded him of all he lost. Then when he finally did read it, he recalled how surprised he was that Anne was that deep and thoughtful and the last thing he said before the video ended was "it just goes to show that a parent, no matter how hard they try, can never truly know their child." That was when I just had to leave because I was so overcome with emotion.
That's about all I got for now. I can't really think of anything to else to write about....
P.S. Listening to Abbey Road on Abbey Road was a religious experience. I was literally brought to tears.