
Jul 06, 2008 22:21

 Hey lookee, I got me a home computer!  Welcome to the 20th century.

"I don't know the beers we carry."
Really?  Than why pray tell are you working here?  Perhaps you could ask someone more knowledgable?  No, I see you've gone off to spend your work time with the two girls at the end of the bar.  Sheesh, it was the second bad bartender of the night.  We'd gone out to see a "Party Girl Productions" showing of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe."  I really don't think I want to party with these girls.  If you've seen that play, you'll understand.  The first production of theirs we saw was "Abigail's Party."  Similar in a lot of ways: dysfunctional couples drinking like fish and showing their shit more and more.  Both productions were razor sharp, finely acted, and intensely unpleasant if you have any empathy.  Good theatre, but I was totally drained at the end of it.  Afterwards, as is our longtime habit, we went out for a beer to discuss the play.  We chose Tylers because it's convenient to Common Ground, and is the best place for beer in Durham.  Also, the staff likes us, at least usually.  We're regulars, they know their beer, know what we like and what we haven't tried, are free with samples, are patient with L, joke with us, and at the end of the night will tell us what good people we are and hand us a tab with 5 "employee" beers at $2 a pop.  Hard to beat.  Not this new kid tho.  He was the opposite in every way; very disappointing.  Here's hoping he doesn't get many shifts.

"Ewww, ugh, yuck!"
Roxy, upon encountering L and I grabbing a quick smooch in a (previoiusly deserted) hallway.  Given the level of displays that are not uncommon in the derby crowd, one would have to hope she was joking.  On a related topic, Note to self: when talking to Roxy, make your point within 8 seconds, because that's all you got.  None of the usual meandering Rob digressions.

"Tally's Hole"
This was unfortunate.  Apparently it's time for a new bathing suit.  I had half overheard some comments, but had no idea how low I was riding until Kitty grabbed my bathing suit and hauled it up for me.  Heh, it's hard not to like Kitty.  Otherwise, twas a quite fun party indeed.  Playful, energetic people a good pool party do make.

"He didn't kill the next Mozart"
How do you know?  This in reference to a discussion about the guy in Texas who killed two guys robbing his neighbor's house.  There is an elitism and classism to that statement that is hard to get around.  The No-Kidding folk are prone to intersperse their joking with animated and vehement discusions and rants, made more so by the fact that Barry doesn't have an indoor voice.  Interesting and fun, but surprising to hear something phrased that way from Barry.  On a related note, Aaron is doing "Perdido Street Station" for his bookclub, and it looks like a fair number of folk will be making the effort.  I hope I'm in town for that one, it should kick ass.  It should be noted that I joined the book club-s (ahh, group politics) to force myself out of genre more, but have attended few: fail!

"Are we alienating you?"
Again from an inexplicable person.  Relating to the talk about the crazy comments on the Texas guy and "people are happier without kids" articles we'd read online, L and I mentioned this completely lame inter-racial forum we'd joined.  We were making the point about the shocking amount of intolerance, bigotry, and ignorance posted by these IR couples.  Not what we were expecting, or desired.  But somehow we got the comment above.  No.  Don't take it personally.  It has nothing to do with you.  I like y'all.  You're good people.  I belong to several groups and multiple forums, and casually watch many more.  They have different dynamics, focus, and people.  At the risk of sounding poly, do you expect one group to fulfill all your needs?  There's plenty of crossover, of course.  I heard about this graphic novel series about The Tricksters on deadbrowalking and discussed it with 3 of the folk at the Stats happy hour, Viol8tor and Teflon had rsvp'ed to the RNK pool party, etc.  We've been on the lookout for a good IR forum for a while.  We almost never have any problem, but we're not going to get the same perspective and affiliation from any of our other groups.
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