Jul 09, 2006 22:27
I was just thinking about what Kim was saying on Friday. She was babbling on (as usual) about how in university (Liv) we'll be having the same lectures and stuff because our courses have the same first year and how we get to dissect a head and have all our other practicals and stuff together, so really we aren't parting ways just yet, which is good...sorry did you stop reading at the dissecting of the head...yeah me too.
I went "WOA UP THERE". Seriously though Kim and Mrs Channon (who was the other half) nodded when I enquired "a human head?". I can't tell you how much that churns the contents of my stomach. I know I'm doing an anatomy based course and all that, but I swear I'll never be dissecting no heads in my future career so I'd rather you just passed me a brain or something and be done with it. You see a head is a person...an organ is not, or that's how I see it. You give me a head that is put together then I will run screaming but if you give me an empty skull, two eyes and a brain then fair do's. I do not want some person's head looking at me off the table. I'm not a medical student. I'm doing a physiological course because I want to go into sport and correct me if I'm wrong, those people do not require me to cut open their head. Maybe JUST MAYBE that's a sign saying, "Dang Charlotte why didn't you pick that Sport Science course when you had the chance?" Perhaps.
If I get to uni and they say "Next week we'll be cutting Peter's head up" then I will say "I will NOT" and if they moan then I will say "Goodbye I'm going to Preston, thanks for wasting a year of my life with your reputation, Preston have better sports facilities anyway".