Apr 05, 2010 20:46
All day spent in medical tests. Eight vials of blood drawn - and the place we stopped at first wouldn't take Aetna, so we had to go to another place. The blood lady was good at least, and didn't miss a million times like some of them do. She got it right away and pretty painlessly, too. I was feeling lightheaded after that, so a pit stop at Applebees.
Then it was off to get the ultrasound - which turned out to be partly internal. Yes, they shoved a camera up where the sun don't shine and pressed it up against my ovaries. Did you know you could feel your ovaries? I didn't. It wasn't a pleasant sort of feeling, either. I also apparently have a 'retroflexed uterus' which means it's tilted the wrong way. Supposedly there's some sort of fibroid up in there too which is likely what is causing the excess bleeding. Anyhow, we'll see what the gyn says- I need to make an appointment for later in the week.
After that, I went to my regular doctor for my sinuses which are still all jacked up. He gave me another round of antibiotics - this time Avelox which is stronger than the Biaxin. If this doesn't work, then I have to go for a cat scan and to see an ear nose and throat specialist.
I'm exhausted, and so very tired of medical issues.
I'm also tired of fighting with Comcast. Our internet has been spotty all last week - we've called them like five times over it. Finally they sent someone out to look at the outside lines, but I don't know if they've fixed it or not as we still had a period of bad connectivity today. I guess we'll see - and if it's still not working, time to call them AGAIN.
Can something just go right now please?