For those of you who have games, music, things to sell, or other such advertising needs - here's a list of all the promotional communities I have found on live journal. If you have any that I don't know about, please add to the list and we'll build a big database of promo communities that everyone can use.
Additional notes:
1. I cannot stress enough how much this has worked for me in the past - if you have something that you need to promote, shout it out to as many places as you possibly can. The more places you promote = the more chances you have to connect with interested parties.
2. I have made a note of the places that have specific rules to follow - please be sure to follow the rules of any place you promote to.
3. In addition to these communities, there are also specific interest related communities that you might try promoting too (ex: a firefly video to firefly communities, your craft store to a craft community) - just be sure to check the user info to make sure they accept promotions.
4. Also, check out area specific communities if you are promoting an event (like if it takes place in NJ, search NJ communities).
5. Type up a draft of what you are promoting and save in case LJ eats it. A program like Semagic that makes posting to communities easy is recommended over posting via the LJ page.
6. Use a small to medium size graphic to draw visual attention to your ad. Using a large flashy graphic is NOT going to get you the desired result.
7. If you don't want to clog up your friends list, join the communities without friending them OR create a separate account for your promotions.
Promote Anything
0000000000000ok0000000000pr0m0000000any_promo0_0promote0_0_1promote1______promotion____promote_now___promowhore__promo___lj_promo__p_r_o_m_o_s__promotion__makeitpublicadvertize_itadvertizementbehere2promotecome_promotecomm_central (rules: only for LJ communities)
comm_promo comm_promotioncommunity_adscommunity_promo (for LJ communities only, read profile for complete rules)
community_quest (for seeking a community)
communityheavencommunitypromo_communitywhoregothic_promo (goth topics)
ljcommunitiesljcommunityljpromote Specific Topic: Roleplaying Games
__rpg_ads_ad_your_rpg__rp_is_love_rpaddicts__rpg_ads_add_a_rper (profile rules are inaccurate; community has changed to allow promotion of games as well as personal ads)
addicted_to_rpall_whedonverse ( must be Buffy, Angel, Firefly, other Whedon product related)
arcology (if you are a member of Lab Arc Designs, you may promote your rpgs and other projects here)
book_rpg_ads (book related roleplaying games)
buffy_rpg_ads (accepts all Whedonverse games)
buffyrpers (accepts all Whedonverse games)
char_pimp_rp (for requesting a wanted character in a specific game)
character_rpg (any character based rpg)
distinctrpgads (no Harry Potter ads allowed, anything else goes - profile for posting format)
fanfic_ads (fanfic and rpg ads - profile shows suggested format)
fictionoverlifefind_a_gamehistoricalrping (historical rpgs)
i_heart_my_rpgmessengerrpgsmun_vs_mun (players seeking games - see profile for rules)
potc_rpg_ads (pirates of the Caribbean rpgs)
roleplayanime (for anime / video game based rpgs)
sw_rpg_ads (Star Wars related rpgs)
Specific Topic: Icons
_nocredit - (rules: for posting icons only; must not require maker credit)
basicbases - (rules: for posting text free, animation free basic icons you have made)
dont_be_so_base (post bases you have made)
nocreditneeded (rules: for posting icons only; must not require maker credit)
Specific Topic: Music
audiography (post your songs - see profile rules for how to post appropriately)
aurgasms (post your songs - see profile rules for how to join)
ljmixtape (post your songs- rules in profile)
nj_bands (new jersey bands)
Specific Topic: TV/Movies
_the_firefly_ - (Firefly or Serenity related)
all_whedonverse (Joss Whedon shows related - Whedon rpg ads and other Whedon-related ads welcome)
fireflyfans (Firefly or Serenity related)
Specific Topic: Selling / Buying / Trading
_wantlists (rules: for listing what you want to buy or trade only)
Specific Topic: Writing
add_a_writer (rules: for writers seeking other writers as friends)
nj_writers (new jersey writers)
Area Specific
__njscene (new jersey)
jersey_turnpike (new jersey)
nj_bands (new jersey bands)
nj_indie_experi (new jersey indie)
nj_writers (new jersey writers)
njfreaks (new jersey)
NOTE: Keep checking back, as I'm only up to O on the list. I just got tired of going through these for the moment so I figured I'd post this for now.