Sep 21, 2001 02:03
My back hurts a lot less than it did before the shots, but they're still starting to wear off, sort of. Have to go and get refills of my medication tomorrow.
Had a good time roleplaying as usual- but missed having Ry around. She's back in the hospital again, so they can check and see if her chemo is working right.
My father went to the auction tonight, and got Steven a tv. He's happy to be able to play videogames in his own room. The girls have to do some report on immigration in their family, so I pulled out the family history to help them. Funny how weird it is to look back on something you compiled years ago. It's like a time capsule.
Did some work in the library room on organizing the bookshelves. Bookdust in one's nose is not pleasant. I think I need to dust the shelves more before putting the books up in their proper spots.
Tomorrow it's back to the chiropractor to be..erm.. chiropracted, I guess you'd call it. Three times a week going to doctors is way more than I ever thought I'd be going to a doctor, considering my general distrust of all things medicinal.
The guy that shot my neck full of drugs to make it unclench was nice enough- but I really am not too thrilled about submitting to a test that seems to consist of being wired up to things that will stab and shock me. I wondrer why?
I saw the presidental address in part tonight (despite the fact that I'm not really supposed to be watching any more disaster stuff because it really makes my back a mess- stupid stress), and thought to myself that this was a rare moment in which I believed a potician was very sincere about what he was saying. Go president!
I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free (and doctors have the right to stab and shock me in the name of medical tests....)...