Some communities that I think are pretty sweet
Music exchange
buzz_bin indie_exchangeljmixtape (join now, membership is only open for a limited time- it's freaking huge)
matchgame_com - it's the Match Game! I have so much fun with this. More people should play.
ferstaal - Rick's fantasy intrigue rpg
mittilagart - Niki's game set in a too-perfect Iowa town with demons! Woo!
serenityrpgs - this one I made. It's to advertise firefly/serenity type rpgs
Writing Prompt/Topics
15minuteficlets1characterdeviant_musesdialogue_500iron_authorpromptlywritingwriters_almanac Writing critique
write_awayheart_onpoetryslammingurbis_writers Other cool stuff
dandelionstudio - Dandelion Studios blog- see all the nifty things Rick and Gynn are up to
freestuff Stuff for free!
ff_shepherds Get your friends into Firefly/Serenity
arcology my site/project update community
kvs_poems Kevin's poems- friends only so you have to join to read them, but they're good poems
kvsdeepthoughts Deep thoughts by Kevin, also friends only
myspace_deaths Myspacers who died!
What communities do you like?