Aus! (shirt says - The Voices aren't real - but they have some great ideas )
Jeanette is bored
This is not Chinese food!
Drew (
themightydrew), Marta, and Emily
Chinese birthday cake
Aus opening gifts
Drew (
glassman33) said that since Aus was sitting in the Drew Section (two Drews, no waiting) he got to be an honorary Drew for the day.
Way too much tissue paper.. I think there were like.. eighteen sheets total.
Kinda hard to see, but this card had a cool weird bird on it. No, it wasn't the infamous licakble card.
A spiffy comic wrapped gift - afterwords, we read the comics. =)
Jeanette puts a bag on her head. You can see part of Steve's arm on the right- he was one of three people that were in the 'no pictures, please!' crowd (the other two being both Christinas)
Kinda hard to see, but on the left there is a big honeybee that likes to live in the rainbow plant on our porch, and carry its pollen everywhere. As a result, we now have like...six rainbow plants growing.
Some of the porch plants. They live outside from late spring till mid-fall, then come in for the late fall and winter so they don't freeze and die.
Steve got this bike for his birthday (which is really on Sept. 4th)
Our house