Manipulator - Wicked Game - adorKablefae

Feb 17, 2009 03:58

Title: Wicked Game
Author: adorKabelfae
Prompt(s): Nihilism (taming), Manipulator (CharChall), and various ones I gave myself in the notes.
Character: I tried to work some in for all four, but mostly Parker. With the manipulation of getting Rachel to go on dates.
Rating: FR13 for language
Warnings: mild language
Summary: Nobody loves no one
Fandom: Original
Award choices: C:Female
Disclaimer: “Wicked Game” belongs to Chris Isaak, naturally. The version (slightly varied from the original) was preformed by Giant Drag. I make no claim to the lyrics or performance of. God, I wish I were that brilliant.
Notes: Originally, this was for a Creative Writing class about a year ago, though I never finished it properly. At the time I started, the song “Wicked Game” held a lot of personal meaning to me, and inspired my muse to help me write this. I was interested in the effect that speaker tags had on a story, and prompted myself to see what the complete lack of would do to a story entirely made up of dialog. The goal was to accomplish clear definitions of who was speaking within the dialog itself, instead of with tags. I also restricted myself to sets of five “lines”, between two characters.

Tonight my muse decided to wake me up, with this story in mind. I was lucky enough to find a draft I had emailed myself and continued to work. The finished copy includes additional prompts from various challenge communities.

In my journal, here:
( Wicked Game )
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