Wicked Game

Feb 17, 2009 03:43

Title: Wicked Game
Author: adorKabelfae
Prompt(s): Nihilism ( tamingthemuse ), Manipulator ( charchall ), and various ones I gave myself in the notes.
Character: I tried to work some in for all four, but mostly Parker. With the manipulation of getting Rachel to go on dates.
Rating: FR13 for language
Warnings: mild language
Summary: Nobody loves no one
Fandom: Original
Award choices: C:Female
Disclaimer: “Wicked Game” belongs to Chris Isaak, naturally. The version (slightly varied from the original) was preformed by Giant Drag. I make no claim to the lyrics or performance of. God, I wish I were that brilliant.

Notes: Originally, this was for a Creative Writing class about a year ago, though I never finished it properly. At the time I started, the song “Wicked Game” held a lot of personal meaning to me, and inspired my muse to help me write this. I was interested in the effect that speaker tags had on a story, and prompted myself to see what the complete lack of would do to a story entirely made up of dialog. The goal was to accomplish clear definitions of who was speaking within the dialog itself, instead of with tags. I also restricted myself to sets of five “lines”, between two characters.

Tonight my muse decided to wake me up, with this story in mind. I was lucky enough to find a draft I had emailed myself and continued to work. The finished copy includes additional prompts from various challenge communities.

Wicked Game

World was on fire and no one could save me but you
Strange what desire’ll make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like you
I never dreamed that I’d love somebody…

And I don’t wanna fall in love
This world is only gonna break your heart.

What a wicked game to play, to make me feel way
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you
What wicked a thing to say, you never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you

Nobody loves no one.
-“Wicked Game” preformed by Giant Drag

“I don’t want to fall in love with you.”
“Well it’s too late for me, then, ‘cause I already lo-”
“Don’t say it.”
“How can I not?”
“Just don’t. I can’t love you. I won’t let myself.”

“She says she doesn’t want to fall in love with me.”
“Maybe she’s crazy.”
“But… I really like her. I want her, ya’ know?”
“Dude. Get a grip. You’re soundin’ kinda whipped.”
“Whatever, man, I’ll catch you at practice.”


“I just can’t do it again. It’s too soon.”
“You’re a little bit crazy. That’s exactly why you should let yourself love him. He’s great and isn’t gonna screw you over like Andrew.”
“I don’t know, I just don’t want to get hurt like that again.”
“Rachel, a guy like him doesn’t come around often. Some other slut face bimbo is gonna snatch him up and you’re gonna see them walking down the street and think ‘That could have been me but with better hair.’”
“I won’t go through that again. I won’t.”

“Wait up!”
“I really don’t want to do this here.”
“We have to do it sometime.”
“I already told you how I felt.”
“I wanna change your mind. Friday night. I’ll see you at eight.”

“How’d you manage that one?”
“I didn’t give her time to say no.”
“So it was like a... drive by asking?”
“More like a telling, but yeah.”
“Man, you got bigger balls than I thought.”

“He did what??!”
“He walked up to me and said he’d pick me up at 8 on Friday and-”
“I heard you the first time. But he did WHAT??”
“I know, right?”
“What are you wearing?”

“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
“But I wanna know now!”
“It’s a surprise.”
“I hate surprises.”

“Turn it up. They went where?”
“That new fancy restaurant. Gimme the remote.”
“They should just get together already. This is getting kind of ridiculous. Hand me the popcorn.”
“I want the skittles. He’s totally whipped.”
“I know. And she loves him, she just won’t admit it. I mean, nobody loves no one. What are we even watching?”

“I had fun. Thanks for dinner.”
“What are you doing next week?”
“I… uh… I’ll have to check.”
“That doesn’t sound too promising.”
“I never made you any promises.”

“I had a dream about him.”
“It’s three in the morning. Go back to bed.”
“I can’t get back to sleep.”
“Just kiss him already and be done with it. Goodnight.”
“Do you really think that’s a good idea? Star? Are you there? Star?!”

“Ouch. You got owned, homie.”
“I did not. She said she had fun…”
“Yeah, but she totally turned you down for a second date. And you didn’t even get any.”
“What’d Star say?”
“Uhhh… How’d you know about that?”

~*~“Do you love me?”
“I thought I wasn’t supposed to say it.”
“Do you?”

“Rachel, you need to stop taking whatever drugs you’re on because seriously - You are a crazy person.”
“I’m not on drugs.”
“Then get over yourself already. Just because your world went up in flames over the whole Andrew thing doesn’t mean you’re not good enough to be loved anymore. And trying to not love Parker is not gonna make him stop loving you.”
“I know…”

“I kissed her.”
“I know.”
“What? How? This was big news and you already know??”
“Ugh, I am going to kill that girl.”

“Tell me everything.”
“It was… fine.”
“The boy you have secretly been lusting after for the last four month kisses you and all you have to say about it is that it was ‘fine’??!”
“Star, you are way too dramatic.”
“You love me anyway.”

“She's bound to give it up sometime.”
“Well she better do it soon. He's driving me crazy.”
“I'm trying to convince her, but she's kind of relentless.”
“I don't understand what could have been so bad that she's given up on love completely.”
“Well. It's complicated.”

 “So Saturday?”
“I dunno, I think I have plans with Star...”
“Nope, I already checked. She's gonna be with Nathan.”
“That sneaky little bitch...”
“That was actually my idea, but I'll see you at seven.”

“I can't believe you made plans with Nathan- now I can't use you as an excuse.”
“You're just mad because you secretly want to go, but feel like you shouldn't.”
“No, that's not what I-”
“Oh come on, Rachel, get real. And stop being such a nihilist. He already said he loved you, more than once, I might add, and not all guys are jerks. You have to start trusting and believing sometime, or you're gonna drive me bat-shit insane.”
“You were already insane. And I am not a nihilist.”

“I can't believe you didn't tell me you had ulterior motives when you asked me out for Saturday.”
“Oh come on, it's not like you wouldn't have agreed anyway.”
“Well you still lied. I hate liars.”
“Look, I'm sorry, I didn't really think it was a big deal.”
“Fucking tell me next time, ok??”

“Star told me what you did, you manipulative son of a bitch. I cannot believe that you would do that to me, knowing what all my reservations about you are.”
“Woah woah woah... You're gonna punish me for being too interested in you because some guy wasn't interested enough and cheated on you? Your logic is backwards.”
“You lied to me! And got your friend to manipulate my friend! And why would you do something to jeopardize something that you're already on probation with?” ]
“There is no reason for me to be on probation, Rachel! I haven't done anything besides like you! I've done everything you've asked and more! Why the hell do you act like it's my fault that some asshole hurt you?”
“Because I don't want to be hurt again! I'm not gonna let some other ass get close enough to hurt me again.”

“So that's it then?”
“It's over, Nate. She's never gonna let me in.”
“This is stupid. She loves you. And you love her.”
“Well what else is there to do? I've been trying for months.”
“... Ok, here's what we do.”

“Star, I need your help.”
“... I'm not speaking to you.”
“Star, seriously, this is stupid.”
“You hurt my best friend. No.”
“But you think this is ridiculous too, right?”

 “C'mon. We have to get you out of this funk once and for all. We're going out. Get dressed.”
“Going where? Not tonight, Star, I really don't feel up to it.”
“I don't care. I will dress you myself and carry you kicking and screaming if I have to.”
“Oh please, like tiny little Star could carry me.”
“Bitch, I will cut you. Get dressed.”

“Ok, so they're gonna meet us here in... approximately fifteen minutes.”
“Dude, I didn't know your uncle had such great connections.”
“He's sleeping with the owner...”
“No seriously, this place is awesome!”
“Oh shut up and light more candles.”

“on R way”
“does she no?”
“no. b ready”
“we get to leave when u get here rite?”
“anything u want baby”

“Are you sure we have the right place? It looks closed.”
“It's not closed. It's just... quiet.”
“No seriously, there's not more than three cars in the parking lot...”
“Well maybe it's slow tonight, we can go somewhere else if it's lame.”
“Ugh, why are you so insistently annoying??”

“Ok, ok, they're here, they're here.”
“Dude, chillax.”
“Are you sure this is gonna work?”
“It's gonna work!”
“Ok. Ok. Ok...”

“Please don't kill me.”
“You bitch!”
“You love me. Have a good time.”
“I fucking hate you! You know I hate him!”
“You do not. Shut up and have a good time.”

“How do you think it's going?”
“I dunno. I told him it'd work, but I really don't know.”
“I don't wanna leave if it's going badly...”
“Ok, we just have to hope for the best. Believing makes it true and all that.”
“I guess you're right... Do you really think it's gonna work out?”

“I can't believe this is happening.”
“Look, I'm not Andrew. I'm not going to hurt you.”
“Well what if I hurt you?”
“I'm willing to take that chance.”
“I love you.”

charchall, writing, original character, taming the muse

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