Editing the book

Sep 23, 2014 16:55

Для англоязычных женщин у нас уже много переведенных материалов (спасибо переводческим волонтерам!!)


Оригинал взят у m_a_r_y_l_a в Editing the book

I am editing at the moment book about Zvezda gymnastics in Russian. Still we started translating it into English, here is the foreword to the book
Foreword to the Woman
"Your role in life is that of a Muse for artists and poets; fascinating, gracious and tender but merciless to everything that concerns the Truth, Love and Beauty. You are the fermenting principle that inspires sons of Man drawing them away from gluttony, wine and fights, stupid rivalry, petty jealousy and low servility. Through poets and artists you, the Muse, shall prevent the flow of knowledge from becoming a dead swamp. But I warn you, this way is not easy for a mortal. However, it won't be long, for only young women full of energy can stand it.
- And what is next? Death?
- If you are blessed by gods, you'll die young. But if not, you'll turn another face to the world - that of an educator, teacher for children, seeder of light in children's souls that later can become a flame. Wherever you are and whatever happens to you, remember, you are a bearer of the Great Goddess image. Demeaning yourself, you humiliate all the women, Mothers and Muses. You allow dark sides of the soul, especially, the man's one, to triumph instead of defeating them".
"Thais of Athens" by Ivan Efremov
I've decided to write this book because the time has come. For many years I've been doing Zvezda Gymnastics and many women learnt about this practice from me. I think it's time for the world to know about "our" Gymnastics.
I've been writing about the Gymnastics in the Internet, for a long time, many women reply me and among ourselves we lovingly call it "ours". I am happy that our Gymnastics came into my life, the life of my friends and a great amount of women. It came and changed us. Thanks to the Gymnastics.
Through me the Gymnastics is spread; this is my way. However, it is not studied. Everyone brings some new stories. It develops differently influencing a woman in a way that has not been noticed before. Actually, I am the first woman who's been doing the Gymnastics for so long and whose life can give some information for research. Many women have throw-backs, multiple come-backs, breaks, quitting and new encounters with this deep feminine practice.
It is obvious that the Gymnastics is not a thing that can be described in view of the previous experience, since there is nothing similar to THIS Gymnastics. NOTHING. There isn't any other practice that in 15 minutes a day can drastically change the life of a woman. I don't know any woman who, doing the Gymnastics for over a year, could say: "Well, my life hasn't changed at all. When I started the Gymnastics, I was the same like now". Maybe, such women do exist but I don't know them. I haven't had any feedback of this kind.
Zvezda Gymnastics is a wonderful, live and sparkling organism. It is distributed in the shape of different elements. Somewhere it runs as a full-flowing river; in others it blows as a light wind or burns away illnesses and outdated programs; and somewhere else it settles down firmly like the earth that we step. And there are also hurricanes, earthquakes and calm. Many things can happen along with this Gymnastics. Starting these exercises women immerse in all this outrage of elements that, in turn, start manifesting themselves from within. Both, from inside and outside. Harmonizing the inner world with the life circumstances. And in years, thanks to this joint work (that is, no doubt, done by both the woman and the Gymnastics), the woman reveals herself and lets herself be. Be any and be a Woman.
I always say:  "Do the Gymnastics for your health". A sound mind in a sound body. If you come to a healthy life in a really healthy body, all the things that seem so important to you now will change as a minimum. But, most probably, they will stop bothering you. You'll have new interests and a new life. A new life in a new body.
Whatever you did before the Gymnastics, if you're reading this book, your body is unlikely to be perfect. Perfect people don't read books about health. They don't look for practices. They found their exercises, meditations long ago, and they are not looking for anything else. If you are reading these notes, if you are still in search, it means there is something that you need to change and where you shall aspire. And believe me, it means that even if you are a fitness instructor or an experienced yogi and you still want "to do something else", when you start the Gymnastics and really do it for a year, your body will change, your thoughts will change and you won't recognise yourself. Even if now you think that your are OK and you don't need to change anything. Don't change it if you don't need it, but then don't start the Gymnastics. Believe me, this practice will find what has to be changed in you. As water, that can be a tiny forest brook and also a mud stream, the Gymnastics will fill and fresh you and it will bring out to the surface everything that has been thoroughly concealed. Concealed from your husband, mother, children. From yourself. Do you think you are crystal clear and you have nothing to conceal? The Gymnastics will reveal everything that you hide. And it will show it to you. Then you will have to decide whether you will solve it or, after seeing it, brush it aside and stop doing the Gymnastics.  Probably, in such case you shouldn't start at all.
Don't do Zvezda Gymnastics if you want to change your love life. Don't do it if you are not satisfied with something in your life. In order to change something you are not happy about, in the modern market there are lots of ways, methods, teachings and schools. The Gymnastics is unlikely to improve your life circumstances if you are not satisfied with them. Don't expect magic from the Gymnastics. If in some feedbacks they write about magic, it doesn't mean that this magic is sure to happen in your life. Everything may be absolutely different. In their feedbacks people rarely write about pain or something that worries them. They seldom write in an honest way how IT WAS. They write how it has become but they don't write what they had to go through. And you don't know what you have to go through so that this magic could happen in your life. Magic is work. Great work. It's a step beyond the ordinary. Beyond the ordinary, there lies magic. Beyond the comfort zone. There is no magic in comfort, it is always beyond it. Step out of your comfort zone and there you'll find something you don't expect. And you will lose yesterday's orienting points. They will be past when you come there. However, now they are your current guiding lines. And you'll lose them if you go beyond the boundaries. For this reason I say: "Don't do the Gymnastics if you are not satisfied with something". Don't do it from a "minus" state.
However, start Zvezda Gymnastics if you are ready to set off on a journey into yourself, to your health, to your essence. Do it four times a week for a year. Don't stop if it hurts or you feel bad; continue saturating yourself in the Gymnastics energy; add some other available remedies, but keep going.
Do the Gymnastics FOR your health. For the body to be healthy and live. For the energy to flow easily and freely in your body. For the energy to be sufficient for all your life projects.
Sincerely yours,
Maria Guseva

Рождение Звезды, Мария Гусева

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