Day 11 -- A show that disappointed you...
In the "Shows That Went On Too Darn Long" Hall of Fame this one sits front and center. Nip/Tuck ran from 2003-2010 and for the first four years I counted it as one of my favorite shows. It combined over-the-top patient of the weeks (including graphic blood and guts, by the way. Not a fan of that, either), soap opera-worthy storylines involving the main characters, even a neat slasher murder mystery. It was going great, until suddenly BOOM! it wasn't.
Maybe if I re-watch Nip/Tuck some day I'll notice a gradual decline in quality, but as of now my perception is, Season 5 rolled around and suddenly one of my guilty pleasure delights had become unwatchable. Not sure if Ryan Murphy left around this time? He left to create Glee, then direct the Julia Roberts movie Eat, Pray, Love, so you can't blame the guy, really, but whether they missed his special brand of serio-satire, or they just ran out of ideas, the show floundered, and it never recovered. It ran two more dreary season, ending with a cheeseball finale that, for me, was something I watched only out of some kind of misplaced loyalty to the show which, once upon a time, brought me a lot of squirmy enjoyment.
Woohoo! Tomorrow is day 12, and guess which show makes it's first appearance?
Day 12 -- An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times