Dec 18, 2005 22:42
This is just a filler post, more so than anything. I spent Sunday pretty much contemplating some things, took a small nap, worked out, and played handy-man with my desk. The thing that holds the mouse and keyboard broke and fell several times, sending my stuff to the floor several times. I repositioned the screws into the wood and fixed it though. Nothing exciting, but it did eat up about 30 minutes of my day and took some effort. Almost as good as new too!
I won’t bore anyone with further details though. Maybe if Beyond the Legends would quit eating up so much of my writing focus, I would be able to make a ‘real’ post here. Other than that stuff, things have been going okay I would say.
Hope everyone had a good and safe weekend. It’s almost Christmas for those who believe in it, so be sure to buy meaningful gifts if you do that type of thing. Buying a gift just to be buying it is nice and all, but get someone that gift that they will treasure forever… It’s worth the smile you’ll earn regardless of the price that is paid out. Well, as long as it’s not millions that is… Anyways, I’m done.