I’m not sure how many people read this or chance upon this site, but there is something I would like to ask/request… If anyone that reads this is a writer or roleplayer and you have sometime during the day that you have free, there is a website that could use and possibly enhance your abilities. I’m only putting this out here because there is a dire need for it and I normally trust my heart on these types of things. I’ll try to explain it as best as I can, why/what we need this, but I won’t be long winded about it.
We are currently nearing the end of our forum production:
http://beyondthelegends.com/v2Forum/index.php {It's a freeform/structured medieval/fantasy forum.} Meaning that we are about ready to start the game up. I would say that it should be finished in a week or two… So that means we’re obviously going to need people who can write or roleplay to play ‘roles’ within a storyline there. Now there is no set way a character has to be, so there is a ton of freedom offered there. If you’ve never roleplayed on a forum before, don’t sweat it at all. If you enjoy writing, character development, or just having fun, you might be able to get into this and enjoy it. There is no ‘technical’ work involved, so all you would be doing is playing a character. Basically just writing from their perspective, how they interact with others, and the actions that they take. It can be quite a bit of fun if given a shot, so if you’re even the slightest bit interested… Why not check it out or inquire?
If you are interested and would like to join, you can register at the forum, comment here, or contact me via one of my messengers. It’s up to you how you want to contact or just join. We do need some roleplay moderators though. I am normally on AIM for the better part of the day and log off around 11 PM Eastern time. I’m on ICQ/MSN/Yahoo from 05:30 PM - 11:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time). If you enjoy writing for character development or watching storylines unfold around a character, you will probably enjoy this type of thing. It’s writing so it can be fun and enhance those skills. Let me know if you’re interested though, there is a dire need of members/staff upcoming.
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I’ll try and do a real update later, but for now I need to focus my writing energies on that website so that we can finish it up way before the ‘set’ deadline. Even though I’m probably wasting my time with this… Never hurts to try right? : ) Anyways, I’m done for now. Hope everyone has a good day and if anyone has any questions on more specifics feel free to contact me. I should respond rather quickly since I’m normally at my desk. If I don’t respond via messenger, feel free to drop me an email at ChaoticLeaf@Gmail.com or register at the forum and PM me… I should answer any messenger inquiry though, ‘cause I always leave them on.