Finally, another update

Nov 10, 2005 10:58

(This turned out longer than I expected it to be… *Coughs* carried away *Coughs*.) :)

You know it’s going to be a ‘good’ day when you wake up thinking that it’s Friday, just to find out that it is Thursday. Feh. It hasn’t been that bad of a day outside of a ‘small’ argument with mom this morning. I don’t let those things bother me anymore though. It kind of made me chuckle though. Some people have this perception of me being a ‘Momma’s Boy,’ when I’m probably the opposite. I mean, if she looks at me the wrong way… I normally become pretty irate. I just don’t see how some guys can do it, I mean, that kind of life would drive me insane. If anything I want away from that woman.

/Blabbing Aside.

I had an interesting conversation with Devin last on AIM. I’m not sure how much fun it was for him, but it did make me think pretty deeply about a couple of things. Like, for instance, where in the world did I get any of the morals that I have? If anything, I should have quite less than I actually do. Why do I have any honor, whatsoever? I mean, I was neglected from 13 on, having to raise myself pretty much. Struggled to stay alive for a couple of years, and was just generally done pretty dirty throughout the years. Shouldn’t that have made me want to ‘get back’ at life? I mean, in all reality I should probably just not care anymore.

That’s not the case though… Seems somewhere along the lines I picked up some pretty heavy set of morals. I can’t even lie anymore, it seems. While that is probably good and all, it’s going to get me in trouble in the future no doubt. A likely scenario:

Boss: “Did you get all of your claims out?”
Me: “Just the required ones.”
Boss: “What did you do for the other hour…?”
Me: “Goof off? I always do that.”
Boss: “…”

That’s going to be amusing if it happens, not for me, but for those that find that kind of thing funny. Regardless, there is something that I’ve always wondered about. Perhaps I think too much like Cloudy says, but feh. It’s what happens when you have to much free time.

I can’t really speak for girls on this, because I’m not one of course, but I do know a guy’s perspective on things. Why is it that most guys put so much into outward looks, someone’s past, and what a person is? It seems a lot of people never zone in on ‘who a person is’. Why is so much weight placed into the wrong areas? Now, I know the saying that a guy thinks with the wrong head could probably be applied… There has to be more to it though. Maybe there isn’t though… Perhaps it could just be carnal desire? I have no clue.

What makes this worse. Why is it that people put so much into someone’s outward beauty? For instance, it doesn’t matter what type of person this is. If they have a ‘beautiful’ face, most people are going to pay them more attention. Guys, naturally of course, tend to favor them by showering them with attention, and giving into what they ask without much fuss. Now keep in mind that we have no choice in what we look like. I think the only thing we can control with out outward appearance is our weight (in most regards) and our hairstyle. This is naturally speaking though, without all the nifty contacts and such.

One thing you cannot tell by a person’s looks is just how loyal they are, how good of a friend they will be, or what type of person they will turn out to be. I don’t know about most guys, but looks shouldn’t be all that important when it boils down to it. The same can go for a person’s past. I use to be guilty of this myself, judging a person by their past and letting that factor in how I viewed that person. I’ll be the first to tell you I was a hypocrite for it. What right do we have to judge someone on their past? Don’t we all make stupid mistakes and do things that we regret?

For instance, let’s use my father’s past since he had a pretty bad past. My dad was never around when I was younger and was always drinking, smoking pot, and just not being a father. While he would give you the shirt off his back and had the kindest heart I have ever seen, he was not a good person. This all changed when he got cancer though. I was 12-13 at the time it happened and that man completely changed. He would spend more time with me and even went out to toss ball, despite the pain that would hit his body. He also became the ideal Christian. He passed no judgment on anyone and would have given you his life if it would have helped you out. There are several stories that I can tell, that shows the character he developed, but I’ll spare the sad tales for now.

If people who met him when he was a changed man and judged him for the past… They would have missed out on meeting one of the best people you could ever meet. Does this not prove that we should not factor in a person’s past? Yet, it seems hard not to do it at times. We want to justify not trusting someone because they once betrayed us in the past. What if that person tore themselves up over it, and you later were put in a position to have to trust that person and they sacrifice their life or something of great value to them for you? It makes that seem pretty petty, doesn’t it?

I could lead this topic into a hundred directions, but I’ll avoid it. My point is this: I think we should quit putting weight into the things that don’t matter about people, and place the value where it belongs. I can take this as far as to guys not turning their heads when some ‘pretty’ girl walks by as well. I know this is hard for some guys to do, but if you can’t resist… Then I’ll go on a limb and say you’re pretty weak. I’m sure some will call me stupid for that remark, but feh. At least I’m not caught up in what doesn’t matter or thinking with the wrong anatomy. ;)

Sorry for the long post, again. Seems once I get writing I can’t stop until I covered what it was I want to cover. I guess we can blame this on me not working on what I should be. *coughs* Beyond the Legends *coughs*. Maybe I’m a writer at heart, it’s just a shame I can’t devote this energy into the roleplay I do at some forums or writing an actual novel or something. Ah well, life is too short to worry about that stuff.

Alright, I’ll stop there. Hope everyone has a wonderful THURSDAY, and try not to have too much fun.
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