Sep 06, 2011 22:36
Huge turn around in the temperatures here. Today it felt like November--high 50s, drizzly, overcast, windy. So bizzare considering we were 102 three days ago. 40 degree difference. And it's supposed to be like this for the next several days. Feels nice to not sweat, though I'm looking forward to the weekend when it will be back into the seventies. Hopefully this rain will end and I can get into the backyard and finish the weeding.
Spouse sent me an online vacancy post for a judicial secretary position. Unfortuanely the pay sucks, but it has full benefits. I may cobble together a resume. I have no experience or training for that kind of work, but what will it hurt. Out of curiosity I went to an online typing words per minute test. I did it several times (like ten--it's kind of addictive) and stayed right at 57-59 wpm with few mistakes. The notice for the job says 60+ wpm. I could probably get up to that if I had to...I'm practically there.
The friend who is opening the restaurant I hope to work in keeps getting handed setback after setback. Basically the space he is going to move into is currently occupied. That restaurant is moving down the street, to a space formerly occupied by another restaurant.* So the owner is paying rent on two places while she gets the new place up and running, but she keeps postponing the move. She originally said she wanted to be out in July. Then it was August. Then September fisrt, FOR SURE. Well, that didn't happen. Now apparently she is saying that she won't be out until her lease is up at the end of November. My friend is pissed, to say the least. He's looking now at opening in mid-December--probably the worst possible time. Doubly disappointing because he was hoping to have a grand opening around Halloween/Day of the Dead. The restaurant is a gourmet taco place--great food but counter service with reasonable prices--and this would have been a fun concept to open around. We're still hoping it works out for earlier than December, but the location is perfect, the space is amazing, and since he would have only been taking over a lease, his hands are tied and dependent on the other restauranteur's whims. Why she wants to pay rent on two places for that long...who knows.
No writing done today. Lots of reading. And I made a big labor-intensive, comfort-food meal that will provide lots of leftovers. Nice because dance class is starting tomorrow. Should be interesting. I have told Scout for the past month that she should start working out and practicing at least her Irish dance drills, because she is going to get her ass kicked when she starts again. Did she listen? No! She hasn't danced since June. Her stamina, muscle memory, strength, flexibility are all probably worse now than when she got the clear to start dancing again after breaking her foot. Tomorrow will not be pretty.
My soreness after being bent over pulling weeds for three hours yesterday did not hit me hard until this afternoon. So I managed to get a three-mile run in this morning. Right now though, I can barely move. I feel old.
*this area of Louisville is downtown in the Main St/Market St corridor and has a ton of galleries and restaurants. It's a great place and worth waiting out the disappointing delays
irish dance,
i find your lack of faith disturbing,