Jul 05, 2005 10:15
Again on another boring break, I need to come up with something better to do during this time. I had to work yesterday on the fourth of July, which all in all = sucked; but the rest of the day was good. I did the whole hang out with family thing for a while then I met up with Jeff and Anthony and we hit up the Lyndonville scene if you could call it that. It was a pretty good time all in all, I saw a few people whom I haven't seen in a really long time. After work today Anthony, Jeff, Scott and myself are going to House of Guitars to scout out new guitars again - I am probably going to buy a Fender Mustang (Sonic Blue, Rosewood pickguard --- super nice), Anthony is looking for a sunburst Takamine acoustic eletric. I put a pickup in my acoustic a few days ago which sounds really good so now I can just circumnavigate the entire buying acoustic eletric for a while and if need be play some acoustic shows...... probably next month I will line up a few, we'll see. I have been writing pretty well lately, 2 songs for sure that I confident enough to play and perform acoustic, one isn't really designed to be acoustic. If I can write another 3 songs this week I'd be satisfied. I am going to take some time to learn the guitar and bass for "the blue channel" a TBS song which I realized how awesome it is when I heard the more rocked out version yesterday. I suppose that will be enough for today then.