I just want you all to know that I went six whole days without posting a twitter update and you should be very proud of me.
Of course, I was going to be doing my Shaw/Hayes(/Bollig) slugbug club post soonish instead, but, yeah know, people.
Which is to say that DZ decided to do a BUNCH of Q&A's on twitter and continues to be golden, Tyler Seguin exists, the Hawks convention happened, and the Bauer thing happened. Basically, hockey has been delightful this week and WHY ISN'T IT OCTOBER YET?
He's done a loooot of Q&A's lately and I appreciate him for it so hard, you don't even know. Well, you're about to know, because I have a crapton of screencaps of them. What's worse is that, THIS IS ME SHOWING RESTRAINT. yeah. I...have a michael del zotto problem and it is entirely out of hand. Have I mentioned that we didn't trade him for Rick Nash and now I don't have to cry forever and become a reluctant Blue Jackets fan? Because none of that happened and it is great (though, byeeee Dubi and Ansimov. you can. be free in the Columbus Drinking Circle?)
LIKE ROSES, like roses Okay, sorry, I'VE ALREADY ADMITTED I HAVE A PROBLEM OKAY (and seriously, I hate the smell of roses anyway)
the continuing trend of hockey players and reading! Not to children!
"#prrr"? #PRRRR what the actual fuck. So, yeah, obviously we are wrong and DZ is not a puppy at all. He's a kitty cat.
And he cares about manners.
I legit saved this as "bangersss round infinity" because it is. If I actually ever start saying bangers not as a reference to this whole thing, please punch me in the face. I *do* have some limits
Okay, see, terrible spelling, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN, and he tooootally didn't even get that question. BREAD, DZ, WHAT TYPE OF *BREAD*? I am reasonably sure Cheetah isn't a bread. (
sometimesalways said this reminded her of Tazer's "A tiger. because it runs fast and eats things")
I must admit, I wonder this myself. daily.
More fail!spelling, more bangers, more, RANGERS I LOVE YOU NEVER LEAVE ME. (I am going to make everyone sad now by pointing out that Prusty, upon popular request, finally changed his twitter profile picture so it isn't him in his Ranger's jersey and imma cry all over everything.)
1. SCREAMING 2. WINGFIC, now! 3. DZ, WHAT ARE YOU? 4. Obvious all those stripper Tyler commentfics need some accompanying DZ in any form just go with it
Again, 1. lol, fail!spelling since I am sure he meant 'our' but, out almost works too and EITHER WAY IS GOOD WITH ME 2. DZ continues to have correct opinions 3. I totally had that backyard set up too.
Also, classy dude. (Now, pleeeaaase get his contract locked up so I don't have to lose my shit, cry forever, etc.)
Bauer Pro Camp happened and since tyler has a habit of collecting boyfriends if they stand next to him for longer than three minutes, I am sure the eventual videos will be great.
As it is, I immediately started thinking of all the ways this could have come up in a 'Tyler has a new bf" context. It must be really hard for other!Tyler to be pretend married to him.
This is already gone from the internet, but, ha! like everyone didn't immediately screencap this. Tyler seguin is a gift and either someone official or Johnny didn't want this up. I am implying nothing. at all. really.
but Tyler reeeaaally is a gift
This one is at the end because I am going to not at all stealth segue into soccer
For those of you who don't know (and I am judging you for not knowing...ha, no just kidding, I didn't even realize she had twitter for some reason) this is Alex's profile picture:
and this is just a picture of her that needs to be appreciated always
Alex Morgan: babyhorse. Making hockey players jealous of her abs since at least last week. Even though, duuuude, Tyler. Your dog even pointed out you have no reason to be jealous. Have you seen your stomach? Or do you get too distracted with your matching tattoo and thinking of Marchy?
this is the video they linked to. I AM SURE HE WASN'T THAT BAD, GUYS. I mean. I still don't even get how Barkley was that bad. Just. what?
Right, Blackhawks convention was joyful and I loved hearing everyone's stories of how it went and I can't even with how much I love this team.
There's some better vid of the popsicle eating contest outtakes
Click to view
And I loooove the person who taped this and put it up because MAGIC.
Click to view
Andrew Shaw, I heart you.
Also, there is this delightfully wonderful account and if it isn't true in anyway, NEVER TELL ME. Seriously. I would never fogrive for destroying the magic.
Once upon a time, there was a drunk Patrick Sharp The olympics is starting and I pretty much only give a fuck about Women's Soccer. Aaaaand it's like, hockey levels of giving a fuck because the whole "soccer is my family's religion" thing. FAIR WARNING HAS BEEN ISSUED.
Alright, internet, tomorrow I may have a story for you about how my whole family is probably getting kicked out of the zoo / getting my dad fired during his company picnic. Because, it's in a zoo this year. And my dad has decided to pre-game this event with two wineries. Starting at 11AM. There will be a scavenger hunt involved in the event and my whole family is determined to answer it in the most inappropriate ways possible. Racial slurs have already shown up. y u p. Someone please kill me.
*that is the smartest, most G rated thing said at our dinner table tonight.
This entry was originally posted at
http://chaoticallyclev.dreamwidth.org/57711.html. Comment wherever you'd like.