Meme Time!

Sep 09, 2008 15:38

I haven't memed in a while, but I'll admit that this one snagged me with its unusual nature. It's the "Here are the answers, but what are the questions?" meme! Respond if you want to know the questions to the following answers, and then you must in turn post answers in your own journal and make others wonder what the questions are. Let curiosity kill all the cats!

1. fragbert
2. angledge and vulgarbarbarian
3. drkodos
4. marasca, notevenu
5. the_wanlorn
6. bad_latin, duia, gutbloom
7. ckirkman
8. evilfb, fanboyextream, bad_latin, trishalynn, silent_r_infork, buzz
9. spiffington, cheezdanish
10. perkyczarlet, mamajoan
11. No idea. Let's choose a name at random... not_so_evil_now
12. renospalace, shinga, culturecouture
13. cleolinda, cheezdanish
14. chrysoberyl / vulgarbarbarian
15. This is a terrible question. funkyplaid, you lose. Sorry.
16. Probably no one on this list, heh. Ok, maybe germankitty and ckirkman and mamajoan.
17. I should just cut and paste everyone's name in this space. I'll start with... doomgirl
18. I'll say vilnolin and thereject, mostly to be funny.
19. barbarienne and malkatsheva
20. the_5th_element
21. ...I don't even know what this question means, so xgreenjudasx wins.
22. ...Same as #21, so halcyon7 wins.
23. fizrep
24. angledge
25. nihilistbear, deza
26. I'm going to have to honestly say Nobody.
27. This is cheesy. drlaurac, you win.
28. Let's never ask this question again. Meanwhile, lovellama, you lose. Badly.
29. Lots of choices... no offense, but kokopellinelli, deza, renospalace... and a few others.
30. Giving in to curiosity will only lead to horror and madness. And possibly gluttony and sloth. Maybe even frivolity. Not carnality. Hopefully no wrath. Shit, I forgot the other deadly sins. But whatever, they're not that important anyway.


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