
Mar 30, 2007 11:50

Hey! Hey you! Want to learn something new about me? Click here for the goods!

I can't believe you fell for that. Suckers.

First, the quick and dirty summary of stuff.
-Went to Canada with barbarienne and drlaurac for Ad Astra. Despite getting ill, it was fun.
-Rehashed my mouse-apprehending duties in my office. This one had dug a substantial hole in someone's potted plant and was living there. That's ballsy.
-Went to Pittsburgh. The less said about that, the better.
-Got compared to Peyton Manning. But not in a good way. It's funnier that way.
-Took hotpantsgalore to see Beethoven's 3rd Symphony. Then we ate and drank a lot. A whole lot.
-The 24th of March was World Tuberculosis Day. Tuberculosis kills 1 person every 20 seconds. It's mostly a third-world disease. I say mostly because, amazingly enough, I've had TB. Badly enough to have been hospitalized for it. Who knows how I caught it? It's a mystery.

Anyway... danicia tagged me with this meme. Three weeks ago. Yeah, I'm slow.

List seven songs you are into right now, no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, and include one or two sentences explaining *WHY* you chose a particular song.
Post these instructions in your LiveJournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

So this put me into an introspective mood. I know, that's crazy, I don't introspect ever. It cuts into my chocolate consumption time in a big way. But after a bit of introspectating, I managed to come up with seven choices. This was harder than it might have been for most people, because I'm not heavily into music. Or rather, I like music, but I don't have music on and around me 24/7. Nothing even close. So my "seven songs" are just songs that I always have on the brain. Perpetual earworms, as it were.

1) Southern Cross, by Crosby, Stills & Nash. There's something about the melody in this song that stays in my head all the time. It's soft, catchy, and kinda sad. Also, they use the word Papeete. That's worth bonus points right there.

2) Pictures At An Exhibition, by Modest Mussorgsky. The introductory trumpet solo is one of my favorite short bits of classical music. It is a simple melody, repeated with the rest of the orchestra several times throughout the composition, but it is most striking when played alone by the trumpet.

3) I Wanna Rock, by Twisted Sister. You're probably thinking "You don't exactly strike me as the most... METAL of individuals", and maybe I'm not. But for this one song, I can become metal. I can be metal for Iron Maiden too, maybe even a bit metal for Guns & Roses, but this one song by Twisted Sister is the epitome of metal for me. Real metalheads may scoff at me in the comment section below.

4) More Than A Feeling, by Boston. I fully blame "Guitar Hero" for this one. Well, not totally. The melody has always been sitting there in the back of my brain, cropping up every once in a while with the refrain, but then I played "Guitar Hero" once, and that was it.

5) Ode To Joy (Symphony #9, 4th Movement), by Ludwig von Beethoven. Plain and simple, an energetic piece of music that almost everyone can recognize. If there's a performance of this whole symphony, it is not to be missed. I love Beethoven's works just in and of themselves, but this is probably the high point. Also, German lyrics. Which I can sing. Poorly.

6) Flash Gordon, by Queen. You know, everyone has one guilty pleasure movie. A movie that's universally understood to be bad, and yet, when you're channel surfing and you catch a clip of that movie, you have to stop and watch the rest. Well, "Flash Gordon" is it for me. And Queen makes a campy movie even campier with its opening theme. KING OF THE IMPOSSIBLE!

7) King Of Pain, by The Police. Sting comments aside, this is, for me, a moving song. Death and distress all around. A solid melody. Words I can sing without sounding too much like a frog. And a catchy tune, again, that gets stuck in my head and plays over and over, but pleasantly.

These of course aren't the only seven songs I like. And as you can see, my taste in music kinda sprawls everywhere- I'm not a particular fan of one specific group/artist, just of individual songs and works. My heaviest interest is classical/instrumental music, but again, I'm not a diehard fan, or a master of understanding the genre. I'm just a guy who likes listening to a couple of fun things.

What do you think?

music, travel, quizmemes

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