Bowling for Columbine

Jul 06, 2007 10:31

I just finished watching Micheal Moore's Bowling for Columbine.  If you haven't watched it, you may want to check it out... it is rather eye opening.  There is a point where Micheal takes two of the columbine victims to the K-mart headquarters to ask them why they are still selling ammunition to guns they dont sell anymore.  ( They were shot by 9mil rounds bought at K-mart) and to ask if they would stop selling 9mil rounds.  K-mart responded by agreeing to stop selling any and all ammunition!  Now don't get me wrong, I am not an anti-gun freak.  I like guns and in properly trained hands they can be fun and and protective.  I also believe that 15 year old kids shouldn't be able to walk into K-mart and buy ammo!  I applaud Mr. Moore and the two young  men for voicing a valid request and I applaud K-mart for realizing that if they couldn't be responsible with who they sold ammo to, they wouldn't sell it at all.   
Mr. Moore shows an alarming fact; the US has the most gun violence in the world.  And it seems that kids are getting in on it more and more.  I do not want to lose my second amendment right to bear arms, but I don't want to arm young kids either.  Hopefully those that own guns will be responsible, lock them up, unload them, make sure kids can't get to them AND teach kids gun safety from an early age.  I was 5 the first time I shot a gun and I was taught how to carry it, aim it, and never NEVER point it at a person unless I was defending myself from harm.   And, as K-mart has done, making sure that stores selling weapons and ammo are being responsible in how and to whom they are selling these things or stop selling them would be a good step as well.   When I was a kid my dad had to go to the sporting goods store to get his ammo.  I don't know when K-mart started selling guns but I see nothing wrong with having specialized stores for weaponry.... kind of like a liquor store or bar where you have to be old enough to buy the product within to get in.   
Anyway, please remember I am not anti-gun, just anti kids with guns with no supervision.    I want to stop turning on the news only to see another victim of gun violence.  That's all.
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