Nuclear War

Nov 26, 2011 00:40

[chaos, at least, is not surprised by this turn of events.  Mayfield has long implied that it was somehow decimated, or affected, by a nuclear weapon, and this only makes one wonder if it is indeed true considering the Mayor's words.  He is also not surprised, even if he is a bit agitated, that his powers have yet again been stripped from him, although it barely shows on his face.]

[With the phone down, and regardless of his human form, however, chaos has no intent to be still.]

1487 Kramden Road
[If you're a resident, chaos is coming to check on you.  He'll provide whatever kind of aid he can.]

Action A.
[chaos' first instinct is to go check on all those he knows.  If he knows you, you're being checked on, although his first stop is by Crowe's house, because of the fright the boy expressed the night before.  You can also catch him heading to your place, or heading to other's, if your character is out.]

Action B.
[He may not have his healing powers, but that doesn't mean anything.  chaos is moving through the town, alternating between stopping to try to rummage in the wreckage for anything useful, and taking a break when he has to.  As he will be all around, feel free to stop him for whatever reason.  Or if you need help, call out to him.]
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