I am secretly a fat kid but you all know that by now

Nov 29, 2009 01:28

So today I ordered pizza, and then waited an hour for it to be made and sent out to me before I called to see what the fuck was going on. No one answered, so I e-mailed the place, and then went out to go get some food at 12 o' clock at night. Totally ballin' of me, but none of you care about that so instead I'm going to tell you what I ate:

- One (1) supposedly healthy BBQ Chicken pizza microwave deal

- One (1) coke, because apparently the water is contaminated right now, even though I've been drinking water all day and nobody said anything about it before, whatev

- I will be eating a piece of Dutch Apple Pie, because Kim ditched me and we did not have Pie's Giving like we were supposed to

- and I will be eating a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Fuck I am so healthy you guys you don't even know.

Also, the cashier at safeway was all over my buttons. Bitches don't know bout my buttons, yo.

fatty queercakes, what, college, why am i so cool, food

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