Oct 30, 2006 23:00
So this afternoon Mom told me about a perfectly aweful add! I haven't heard it myself yet, but apparently It's for this new kind of security system that allows you to put webcams in your house or office that upload images to the web of what your kids or employees are doing, that you can check from anywhere. Now that is creepy! I mean, ok. I can understand wanting to keep an eye on your *young* children with their new baby-sitter. But your older kids or your employees? Or anyone else for that matter? This is getting Orwellian!
On a much more pleasant note, yesterday I was able to re-order the Yeston/Kopit Phantom on CD! Yes! This'll be my third try to get it. The first time, by the time it came in I didn't have the money. The second time, the company that owns it got bought out or something and my order disappeared into the ether somewhere. But I've been able to order it again! Apparently it should be in in two or three weeks or so! Better yet, provided that nothing goes screwy, it looks like I might have a job. So I'll be able to afford it, not to mention all the other Phantom related indulgeances I plan on, well, indulging in this year. I love that version. Most of it's pretty cheezy, but My True Love and My Mother Bore Me are, in my opinion, great songs! Truly inspired, even if I don't much care for the voice of the Christine. Way too bright, chirpy and shrill, with way too much vibrato. Richard White who plays the Phantom is great though!
I still haven't been able to order the Kenneth Hill through either Sams or HMV though. Grrr! I might have to try Dress-Circle.com for that one. They neither one can seem to find a French soundtrack for the ALW movie either! Damn!
Alright! Tommorrow's Halloween! I get to go to class in costume and generally be the Phantom for a whole day!